QUOTE: Does that ring a bell Seamonster Bob?
QUOTE: Biggest telephone cable I ever saw was 22,000 pairs. About 3 feet in diameter. I would have hated to been that splicer. Most of the ones where I worked previously (18 yars ago) were 1500, 2200, and 4000 pairs.
..... Bob
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here. (Captain Kirk)
I reject your reality and substitute my own. (Adam Savage)
Resistance is not futile--it is voltage divided by current.
QUOTE: Originally posted by johnny.5 Ok, anyone interested in some telephony 101? Bob was talking about terminating 25 & 50 pair Cable on punch-on blocks (66 E blocks). Cable Color Code is according to B.S.P. (Bell System Practice) and hasn't changed jn nearly 100 years. There are 5 "RING" colors and 5 "TIP" colors. RING colors- Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate TIP colors- White, Red, Black, Yellow, Violet. 5x5=25 Each 25 pr past the 1st 25 has a "BINDER" color wrapped around all 25 pair. again W-BL, W-O, W-G, W-BR, W-S. So W-BL binderBL-W pair is pair #1, W-SL binder V-S pair is pair #125, R-Bl binder W-BL #126 etc... W-S binder V-S pr is #250. Cables larger than that (like many running doen our streets) add a third binder color BL-W-BL, BL-W -O, BL -W- G, etc... to create any size cable. 1500 pair are common entering Central Offices, even large Office Buildings. Does that ring a bell Seamonster Bob? Ne06874, it has never changed, and Data wireing is the same as Voice. The 4 Pair cable terminates the same, W-BL, W-O, W-G, W-BR. When you hold a 4 pr plug looking at the GOLD contacts,(yes they are 24 caret GOLD) with the contacts pointing away from you, the pin on the LEFT is pin 1, and the one on the RIGHT is pin 8. Pins 1& 2 is W-O, Pin 3 is White of the Green, Pin 4 is BLue, Pin 5 is the White of the Blue, Pin 6 is Green of the W-GR, Pins 7 & 8 is W-BR, The 4 pair Jack does the conversion for Voice or Data. "Tip & Ring", Pair 1, BL-W comes out in the center of the jack (pins 4 & 5, so even a single line cord will get dial tone. W - Gr (split) Pins 3&6 is the 2nd pair out from center and is used for data pairs on all AT&T/Lucent/Avaya Business phones. Data Networks use pairs O-W and GR-W Pins 1-2, 3 & 6, That is for protection so if you plug a phone into a Data jack or Data device into a Phone jack by mistake equipment won't get blown. One more bit of trivia."TIP and RING" dates back to the Operator Cord-Board days when the operators conected all the calls by plugging the cord into the switch-board. The "Plug", looking much like a 1/4 mono headphone or microphone plug, the Point or "TIP" was the ground side of battery, and the "RING" was between 2 insulaters below the tip, (like a stereo plug) and was the Positive side of the battery. The Battery is a very large bank of 48 volt DC wet cells in the basement of the Central offices with generator back up, to keep the batteries charged. That's why your phone still works in a power failure. I hope I didn't offend anyone with this long post, it probably doesn't belong on this forum, but I did want to let Ne06874 know that there is NO "blue/lt blue,green/lt green,orange/lt orange,brown/lt brown (in that order)... " in Phone wire. John
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QUOTE: Originally posted by jmac30 thanks guys The wire I have came from a"rewire" job yrs ago and it is all telephone hook-up wire and my guess is it's 22 or 24 ga. thanks for input Jim
QUOTE: Originally posted by Seamonster John, you brought back some memories--some pleasant, some not so pleasant. I earned my living in the industrial communications field for many years, and I can still remember spending many hours terminating 50 and 100 pair communications cables with all the colour codes and colour groupings. I remember the blue group was always first, but I forget what the order was after that. Too many cables under the bridge. But, I enjoyed my job.
QUOTE: Originally posted by jmac30 Can someone tell me exactly what size BELL TELEPHONE (copper "pairs") wire is?? Dunb question but I 've been told everything from 20 to 28 guage over the yrs and I still have a ton of it (from some construction earlier in life) that I would like to use Like to connect my own PM-42 as shown here earlier. Thanks much Jim