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Availability of #6 & #8 Turnouts?

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Availability of #6 & #8 Turnouts?
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:26 AM
I'm getting ready to buy the trackwork for my layout, and I've run into a problem!

I was planning on using Walthers/Shinohara turnouts (because they have curved ones), and I can't find anyone that has #6 and #8 turnouts in stock. I need 6 #6's and 3 #8's.

Peco's expensive, and Atlas? Suppliers for the Shinohara? Alternatives? I definately WANT a metal frog, as I've worn out frogs in the past.

Any help would be appreciated!

Mark in Utah
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Posted by davekelly on Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:31 AM
Check out ebay. There are usually several folks offering up Walther's turnouts.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:43 AM
No such luck on ebay. I've tried Internet Trains, Model Train Stuff, Walthers, Cabboose Hobbies, Trainworld, ......


Mark in Utah
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Posted by davekelly on Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:54 AM

Man, it's hard to believe. Just a few months ago you'd get litterally dozens of hits for Walthers turnouts. All I could find was the following for LH #8 TO's. I'm thinking, though, that this won't work as it appears you are looking for curved ones.

Hang in there, seems like lots of the hobby these days are batch lots which results in a cycle of instock-out of stock. According to the Walthers site, all the Code 83 turnouts are sold out, but the "DCC Friendly" ones have an expected date of 19 May, so I would expect that probably by the end of May, beginning of June these should hit the retailers.

Yeah, I know - it stinks having to wait when you want to lay tracks now. Hopefully you'll find some before then!

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:56 AM
Hmm odd both the code 100 and 83 are out
Code 70 is in stock but that means a lot of wheel sets being replaced with smaller flanges.

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Posted by davekelly on Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:03 PM
I am assuming that since Walther's track is made overseas, they probably bulk ship items to the U.S. only a few times a year. Hopefully this shortage means that the popularity of the track line is growing. Also, hopefully, Walthers put in a bigger order this time so that the number of items that are out of stock before the next shipment is less.

It is interesting to note, however, that there is no "expected date" on the regular turnouts. Does this mean that they will be discontinued and Walthers will only stock the "DCC friendly" ones in the future? I'm a DC guy and don't know the difference between the two and why the price difference. Could someone clue me in as DCC is definately in the future.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:08 PM
I've already got leads for the curved turnouts, so that's not a problem, it's the dang "straight" ones that are giving me fits.

I've never used Shinohara turnouts, but I've heard that they're good quality and realistic looking. I hate to pay the premium for the Peco ones, and I'm not too keen on using Atlas for these critical turnouts.

Mark in Utah
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:16 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by davekelly

Could someone clue me in as DCC is definately in the future.

I believe they mean it has an insulated frog so that the diverging route is not dependent on power being supplied by the points.

QUOTE: Excerpt from Wiring Turnouts by Andy Sperandeo "Model Railroader Articles/Wiring Turnouts
All-live turnouts have insulated frogs, jumper connections around the frogs between the corresponding closure and frog rails, and, jumpers between corresponding closure and stock rails. The points are separately attached to insulated throw bars. All this keeps the two rails electrically separate at all points and keeps both routes through the turnout powered-hence the term "all-live." Most sectional track turnouts, including the popular Atlas Snap Switch and Custom Line brands, are all-live types.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:20 PM
Mark I needed some curved ones about two months ago...Called all over the country to locate some. YThey were sold out everywhere. Found some at Bruces in Sac. CA....Go with Micro Engineering for the no 6s if you can't get Shinohara/Walthers. You won't be disappointed. I would also get DCC friendly even if running straight DC....They opetrate better in terms of electrical properties
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Posted by davekelly on Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:30 PM

Thanks for the info. Even if I don't go the DCC route for another year or two, I can start making the layout DCC friendly now.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:23 PM
I'm looking at eventually going DCC as well, after I build the layout and save up a few pennies..... has the curved turnouts, and the smaller frog turnouts, just not the #6's and #8's.

After talking to a couple of stores, who both had the same stories, it looks like Walthers won't have any more available until after May 19th. The one store has had an order in since last fall and has had a few turnouts trickle in at a time, and they're all sold within a week. It looks like it's a very tight market for them. If you can find them anywhere and EVER plan on using them you need to buy what you can when you can.

Let me know if anyone runs into some, I'll have my stockbroker place some options for them.....

Mark in Utah
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:44 PM
I came across an idea sometime ago that will help prevent making wiring mistakes. It's just a simple audio continuity tester.

You need a piezo element, a 9 volt battery holder, 9 volt battery, a pair of insulated alligator clips and some wire.

Make a simple circuit by connecting one wire from the battery holder to the piezo element, the other wire from the battery holder to an alligator clip. Connect a wire to the other terminal of the piezo and a alligator clip on the other end. Connect the battery and test the circuit by touching the clips together.

Now connect the clips to the bus wire to the track terminals. As you are laying track and feeder wires, If you connect the wrong wires or have a short, the buzzer will sound.

Having an alarm sound the instant you make a mistake is better than trying to find a short when your finished.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:45 PM

how well do the Atlas Code 83-to-Code 100 rail joiners work? I'm fishing with an alternative to use Code 100 turnouts and match them up wiith the Code 83 track. Thoughts??

Mark in Utah
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:15 PM
Don't bother with the rail joiners. They are huge and to my eye are quite noticeable. I have used the crimping method to join different codes . Works quite well if you tweak it a bit. The idea is to put a rail joiner on the code 100 rail and crimp the other end flat. The code 83 will sit on that part an be soldered in. I find I have to grind a little off of the bottom of the 83 rail to get a smooth fit. Another method I like is to shim the smaller track with styrene to match the height of the taller code. I butt the rails against each other and carefully spike the smaller in place. I then solder with no rail joiner. works well for sidings and yard tracks. I would get switches of the same code as the mainline track. You will be making a lot of work for yourself switching rail size three times at every turnout. BTW I use Atlas N scale joiners for code 83 track, they look a lot better and will still fit over the rail ends....
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 22, 2005 8:26 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by mark_in_utah

I can't find anyone that has #6 and #8 turnouts in stock. I need 6 #6's and 3 #8's.
I've already got leads for the curved turnouts, so that's not a problem, it's the dang "straight" ones that are giving me fits. Mark in Utah

So you need straight turnouts, correct? Do you need left or right hand turnouts?
Discount Trains shows they have #6 RH turnouts and #6 LH turnouts.

NOTE: click on the highlited words for direct links.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 22, 2005 8:31 AM
I'm looking for 4 #6 left, 2 #6 right, 1 #8 left, and 2 #8 right. I'm about ready to go with Atlas turnouts, which are decent, but I'd like something a bit more realistic. Know what I mean?

Mark in Utah
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 22, 2005 8:48 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by mark_in_utah

I'm looking for 4 #6 left, 2 #6 right, 1 #8 left, and 2 #8 right. I'm about ready to go with Atlas turnouts, which are decent, but I'd like something a bit more realistic. Know what I mean?Mark in Utah

Yep! Hang in there, I put out a few "feelers" and I'm waiting to see what comes back.

You know, by the time you get the Atlas turnouts installed, Walthers will have what you want. That's always happing to me.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 22, 2005 9:04 AM
I've FINALLY found the turnouts..... They're all Walthers Code 83.

I've had to split the orders between Internet Trains, Model Train Stuff, and Standard Hobby.

Someone on another board pointed me to Standard Hobby, that JUST added these turnouts (the ones I was missing) to their catalog, and has them in stock.

Thanks to all, and good luck to your quests for turnouts!

Mark in Utah
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Posted by wp8thsub on Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:57 PM

Where you at man? We have a work group in the Ogden/Layton area where different layout owners use Shinohara, Atlas 83 and/or handlaid turnouts. If you're looking for someplace to see how all the components come together in person, maybe we could give you some help.

Rob Spangler

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 29, 2005 4:35 PM

I'm in Bountiful, just down the road from you.

I've built my benchwork, cut my raised sections, and am gluing them together. By next week I should cut my risers and have all of the elevated track sections done. It's all 3/4" plywood, and I'll overlay everything with 1" foam.

I want to make my scenery something like what you see around Croydon & Devil's Slide up Weber Canyon. I may not quite get there, but it goves me some inspiration, know what I mean?

Drop me an e-mail some time.

Mark in Utah
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 2:25 PM

Model Train Stuff failed to ship all of the hard-to-find turnouts that they SAID they had - all sold out!

I STILL need:
4 ea. #4 left
1 ea. #4 right
2 ea. #5 left
2 ea. # 7 1/2 left curved
1 ea. #8 right curved
1 ea. #8 left

I've got some of the Walthers / Shinohara turnouts in that I ordered, and they do look good.

Now it's back to digging around to find some turnouts!!!!!!

Mark in Utah

P.S. Maybe I need to go into the turnout business???? I could make a killing at this if I could ship any!

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