QUOTE: Originally posted by NS82 I read here on the forums how to weather rolling stock, but do you weather structures in somewhat the same fashion? I looked at one of the Kalmbach books that had a little bit of weathering info in it but not enough. Presently I have 3 structures (I'm modeling H.O.) asembled already for my future layout: from Walthers, I have the Merchants Row III; from Bachmann, I have the department store from the Spectrum 'Cityscenes' series; and from Atlas I have a 'Kim's Classic American Home' from the 'Lovely Ladies Series'. These are not weathered, so is there a way to weather them (carefully!) since they're already assembled? I know about spraying Testors Dullcote on buildings to get rid of that plastic look before assembling them, but how do you veteran modelers weather your structures? I took a trip to the local Michael's today and found India Ink and pastels for weathering rolling stock, but the only chalk I found was street chalk that the kids use. Is there some other type of chalk out there to use? How about 99% iso alcohol? We've got the 70% here at the house...do they sell 99% at Wal-Mart or Walgreen's??? Sorry about all the questions! [8)] Thanks for any info you can pass along!
QUOTE: Originally posted by NS82 I took a trip to the local Michael's today and found India Ink and pastels for weathering rolling stock, but the only chalk I found was street chalk that the kids use. Is there some other type of chalk out there to use? How about 99% iso alcohol? We've got the 70% here at the house...do they sell 99% at Wal-Mart or Walgreen's???