I'm building an N scale layout off a premade track plan, which uses Bachmann EZ Track. The turnouts are stupidly expensive ($32 for a turnout!? And a crappy one at that!), and I don't have that kind of money right now.
I know that B-Man's Remote turnouts (the one the layout uses) are 11.25". I need to find a replacement for these which is also 11.25".
I want someone to tell me the correleation bewteen the turnout #s (#6, #8, etc.) and the radiuses... radii?
trainmangabeB-Man's Remote turnouts
No idea what those are.
But to the Forum. Your initial posts are delayed in moderation.
I'm sure someone will give you the radius of the various turnouts but manufacturers have not standardized on the length of the turnout. As early model railroader Hamlet said: "Therein lies the rub"
COB Potomac & Northern
Shenandoah Valley