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Walthers switch 948-10017 and 948-10018 installation.

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Walthers switch 948-10017 and 948-10018 installation.
Posted by 1arfarf3 on Sunday, November 13, 2022 11:12 AM

Questions on installing Walthers new switches. 948-10017 & 948-10018. Layout wiring will be for DCC.  

I have:

948-10017 switch

948-10018 switch

942-101 vertical switch machine

948-83103 terminal with wire leads

272-180670 Faller 12v lamp

Confusing info on instruction sheet for switches. Switch instruction sheet is available on Walthers web site if you do not have one.Picture on front shows switch machine Normally open and normally closed attached to point rails using wire leads above and common pin going to frog tab. Further instructions say the light should be off but how is it attached to switch? Nothing in photo showing that. On the back side of instructions item 5 states to power turnout from point end using leads above.  How??? Front side shows switch machine attached.... further states lamp will remain off when placing test leads on frog and aligned point rail. Then states if lamp comes on, reverse frog connection wiring. What??? Reverse how? Where? 

Item 7 about optional connections deals with optional wiring and two auxillary single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches to power frog. How are switches on switch machine? Then the PLEASE NOTE regarding position of switch machine and auxillary switch used will determine wiring needed to power frog. ???????

Thanks for any advice, help, instructions, etc.


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  • From: lavale, md
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Posted by gregc on Monday, November 14, 2022 4:22 AM

Confusing info on instruction sheet for switches.

hard to follow your questions without a copy of the instruction sheet.   i can't match you items to the instruction sheet listed on the 942-101 product page

but like the Tortoise machine, it has 2 SPDT switches.  one is often used to power the frog and the other for other purposes such as driving a lamp/LED or providing feedback to a control system.

i don't understand the other PCB connections

instructions item 5 states to power turnout from point end using leads above.  How???

SPDT switch has a common (C), normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).   to power the frog, connect C to the frog and the other two to opposite rails.

Then states if lamp comes on, reverse frog connection wiring.

your descriptions of the instructions suggests just wiring to the rails randomly and testing if the wired correctly by testing if the frog polarity is correct ... and if not reversing the NO/NC connections.   a lamp/LED can similarly be wired/tested.

shouldn't be difficult if using spade connectors

but time could be saved by spending a few minutes on the bench with an Ohmmeter to figure out how the microSwitch connections should be made with the servo in either position and understanding which servo position open/closes the turnout points.   in other words, when the servo pushes the throw wire to the left, how are the NO/NC connections made on the 2 microSwitches.

greg - Philadelphia & Reading / Reading

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