You can go on the Circuitron website and there you will find several diagrams on wiring the Tortoise to a turnout.
Alton Junction
Kind of a vague question. If you just want the tortoise to switch the points, connect 12v power to pin 1 and 8 on the tortoise, wire it to a switch to reverse the throw and be done with it.
If you want to control panel lights, there a number of ways to do it. The wiring for that is easy if you understand what Im about to say. I cant post pics but this is what I do.
First, I use edge connectors to wire the tortoise pins:
Pin#1 12v, pin#8 12v, these two wires come from a dpdt switch
On the switch there are two rows of 3 pins. The corners get crosswired to each other and one set get 12v power as well, the two ctr pins go to the tortoise #1 and #8 respectively. This will cause the polarity to change and throw the points when the panel switch is moved.
Pin#2 gets jumpered to pin #7 and pin #3 gets jumpered to pin #6. #6 and #7 also go to a 12v source such as a block panel, this will power the internal spdt switches in the tortoise. Pins #4 and #5 get lights wired to them. I use leds with built in resistors and put them on the panel for route indication. I use red and green, pretty common color choice. After its all hooked up, when you throw the panel toggle switch the colors will alternate to show the route. I personally use 4 leds per tortoise for my panels so the is always positive green or red color indication. I will look in my gallery to see if there is a website that I got the diagram from and edit this post so you can have it.
Sorry, no site mentioned in the diagram I have. Also, with 4 leds, when you come off pins 4 and 5 on the tortoise, your leds will have be wired in series I think. Positive from one to negative of the other connect to #4, positive from one, negative from the other to pin #5. I hope this makes sense. Once youve done it a few times, its really a no brainer. Also, the leds dont have to go to a panel. They can go to a dwarf signal, a mast target or wherever you want the visual indication to be. Just make sure you have ebough wire to get it there. I use cat 5 or 6 phone cable. Its like 4 pairs of wires in the insulation and 24 or 28 gauge. Works great.
Does this help?
— and for the operation (switching) of the points:
Good luck, Ed
How do I wire an Atlas No. 8 switch and a tortise switch machine for a DCC layout?