For single machine control, why would you use the 942-121? The 942-123 appears to be for single machine control.
For my crossovers, I am using 942-122.
Yes, 942-122 for crossovers. I have 4 of them and use that version.
What is difference in 942-121 and 942-123? Why use one over the other? Aren't both for single switch machine?
One model is a button with two lights and the other model is a button with just one light. a single turnout to a rail spur would use the two light button to represent what direction the switch is. And it will be either green or yellow to indicate this. So when you add the single light option in, it represents crossover with 3 lights total. Why sell the single light option on its own? It's because of the modularity of the system and upgrading a single turnout to a crossover possibly.
Confused in looking at the controllers in Walthers catalog now. The button with 2 lights, 942-121, has mounting for 3 side by side. Why use this for a single turnout to a spur?
The button with one light, 942-123, has mounting for one turnout.
Both items state Green/yellow LED indicator adjustable display to match switch machine settings and both are single pushbutton operation.
I have 4 crossovers and already have the crossover controllers, 942-122.
Since you have the 942-122's do you have any tips, hints, etc for installation?