I am Modeling the Cleveland Flats Industrial District. The Flats were once served by at least four major railroads and a couple of regional ones. With limited rights of way available, the railroads stacked themselves atop each other. There were three separate rail lines crossing over each other and the Cauhaugua River at different elevations. There were dozens of level crossings and 11 railroad lift bridges all within a couple of miles. Two of the lift bridges are still in service:
I created original 3D models and reproduced severl of the bridges [with some selective compression of course].
Those are beautiful bridges. You did an excellent job laying those out. shane
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space
NScale4x8Cauhaugua River
Cuyahoga River.
Nice work!
I've spent some time around some of these bridges. Here's a photo of "Bridge One" under construction in 1955-56:
NYC_1956-swing-bridge by Edmund, on Flickr
The original swing bridge was basically single track (a gantlet/gauntlet) I can imagine what a bottleneck it was.
I was there a few hours after Penn-Central train OV-8 slammed into the counterweights of the raised bridge back in May of 1974. What a mess.
Good Luck, Ed
Hello All,
Great Work!
Are these operating models or static?
Hope this helps.
"Uhh...I didn’t know it was 'impossible' I just made it work...sorry"
Very nice work, NScale!
Alton Junction
Speechless am I! Excellent work, sir.
Modeling excellence.
To the world you are someone. To someone you are the world
I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
Very impressive Nscale. Nice work