(Moderator: If this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it. I am not sure quite where to put it.)
Got yet another another one for my Forum friends. After a trip to a neighboring town earlier this week, I found a park that has inspired me to install something akin to it on my layout. After doing some exploring and investigating on what's available, I decided to get a pair of these: http://www.shapeways.com/product/KJA2XLD4K/hexagonal-bench-1-87?optionId=161962288&li=marketplace instead of building something like the hexagonal brick pots that are in the park. The only question I'm having is whether to put flowers in them or "plant" a tree in each. The acrual pots have flowers but I have seen trees planted with these particular benches.
On the layout the complex will back onto a river. The base will be pieces of .030" x .080" strip between 4 squares (1" x 1") of .040" sheet each. (Yes that seems to be a mismatch but the narrow strips are slightly recessed on the actual park's concrete deck.) There will be a total of 6 sets of the squares in a 2 deep x 3 wide grouping. There will not be strips on the edges.
The back will have a gazebo with a pair of flag poles flanking it. The plan also have some regular park benches placed around along with some lamp posts (two in the back and one in front. The hexagonal benches will be on the front of the base. I'm leaning tree but I'm not completely sure. As usual any assistance that can be provided would be most welcomed.
Any tree in those would be along the lines of a dog wood size. Small but shady. A small tree with flower would work. That is more or less an individual thing. I would put a small flowering tree like a dogwood, weeping Cherry or fuscia and some flowers or ornimental bush or grasses around the base.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space
I would go with flowers.
If the seats faced the hexagonal openings, I would plant a tree.
Living the dream.
SeeYou190 I would go with flowers. If the seats faced the hexagonal openings, I would plant a tree. -Kevin
Alton Junction
I would have a tree surrounded by flowers, Even a vine or two hanging over the seat back.
God's Best & Happy Rails to You!
Bing (RIPRR The Route of the Buzzards)
The future: Dead Rail Society
Are you going to paint that structure? It would look great with some flowers and a nearby park bench. Many possibilities. Pls post pics!
kasskaboose Are you going to paint that structure? It would look great with some flowers and a nearby park bench. Many possibilities. Pls post pics!
I have painted the two that I have. I have a couple of trees for them but I am still debating if I want to put flowers in them. FWIW, the prototype park is located here: https://www.google.com/maps/@47.1031261,-104.714625,3a,60y,120.95h,78.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soYrguIlmimDasWfz0ydCEQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664. Due to a lot of other things (work, a present I'm making for a wedding next summer, other railroad projects, three closcks I haven't changed back to standard time yet, etc.), I haven't gotten very far on it. I just got the "concrete" platform assembled last night. It will need paint when I get a chance. I have a gazebo and some park benches already. I also need to decide how I want to paint the gazebo. I still need to get the lights ordered and I know what ones I'm getting. The only problem with posting pics is I don't have a site to do that with.
My kids preschool had these around an oak tree in the play yard.
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
I think that style of bench was designed specifically to wrap around a tree. A nice shady spot for folks to sit down. Most of the examples I found show a tree in the middle.
Hexagonal Bench Plans PDF DIY | Etsy
Octagon Tree Bench Plans digital Format Outdoor Furniture | Etsy
I did find one that was used as a planter.
Hexagon Tree Bench Plans digital Format Patio Furniture | Etsy
Here's one with both a tree and flowers.
Wraparound Tree Bench PLANS Hexagonal Bench Woodcraft Plans | Etsy