I did some recently using images from the Ikea online catalog. I copied the catalog photos, and re-sized them in MS Word. Once you get a size you like, you can copy and paste a bunch of them. I liked their photos because they had some that were straight-on, and required no cleaning up before printing.
Rob Spangler
Very good suggestions from other members.
I take a rather unorthodox route. Curtains (here in the UK) are not all tie-backs. They are straight. When opened they are not perfect at each side. One side is open more than the other.
Some colored paper cut to size, just enough to make curtains. Making your own you can even have curtains closed. (Night shift workers. Evening times and the kids are in bed. Just forgot to open them.)
Just an idea that is different and costs hardly anything, as pieces of suitable colored/pattern paper is somewhere in the house.
As an added extra. A piece of any paterned paper fixed between the curtains will give a look of the inside of the room. Reds give a warm look.
To the world you are someone. To someone you are the world
I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
Go to Google images and search curtains, pick one and shrink it down to size and print it off. I do that with floor coverings and it works great.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
I found a lot just doing a Google Search with your words, “HO scale window curtains”.https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=QcSYX5DCKdTR9AP285iADg&q=HO+scale+window+curtains&oq=HO+scale+window+curtains&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQDDIFCAAQyQNQ-hJY-hJgiy9oAXAAeACAAVmIAVmSAQExmAEAoAECoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABAA&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjQ5ozFjNbsAhXUKH0KHfY5BuAQ4dUDCAgI use City Classics Window Dressings for my scratch built houses.
Mel My Model Railroad http://melvineperry.blogspot.com/ Bakersfield, California I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
I know there are plenty of signs that have been made available on this forum. And I know sources for brick, wood, and stone surfaces have also been listed. Does anyone have a source where I can download HO scale window curtains?