I am building a modular layout. The corner modules are going to be 4x4 foot. On the ends I plan on using a 2x4 module between the 4x4 modules. I plan on 42 inch curve, so I can run big rolling stock and locomotives. I want to use easements and I understand going into the curve how to use an easement. I plan on going both ways so do I need a easement on both sides of the curve? Each 4x4 module will be a 1/4 of a curve. Thanks Big Mike
MikeN8FWDI plan on going both ways so do I need a easement on both sides of the curve?
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Generally, the tighter your radius, the more useful eased ends could be. So, as cuyama says, it’s a decided yes. The small radius causes problems approaching from either end, so both ends need the symmetrical contribution.
Quick and dirty way to do easements. Set the curve 1/2 in from the tangent and then line a smooth curve between the circular curve and the tangent. You can eyebll the curve or use a yardstick or piece of wood lath.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com