New users are moderated for their first 3-5 posts. You are now past that probationary period.
YouTube channels count under the "etc." in the rule about not promoting another Forum, "... discussion group, Facebook page, online magazine, contest, fund-raiser, etc." We can't list every possible type of forum, page, or site in that rule, since new ones are being invented all the time. But generally, that rule means, don't use your posts here to try to drive web traffic elsewhere.
--Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editorsotte@kalmbach.com
I looked at the rules and did not see anything about YouTube. Unless, you think of YouTube as a forum. If you look at the replies, seems the members of the community were appreciative of the posts. I would understand if you stated you see the posts as competition to MR Video Plus. Also, are all posted vetted by the moderator before being posted or is that just for new members?
I assume this post counts as a "non-video post." I'll try to post more like it before posting another video.
Daryl Kruse
The N Scale Union Pacific Railroad Geneva Subdivision
Hi, UPRR Geneva Subdivision,
Welcome to the Forums. I feel it necessary to point out that it's against the rules to post solely for the purpose of promoting a YouTube channel. While it seems that you're simply enthusiastically sharing your own layout with the Forum, I'd suggest you make some other, non-video posts, as well, to mix things up a bit. Thanks, and happy railroading!
Here's a complete overview video.
Thanks for the kind words. :)
Wow, is that ever a well thought out MR for operations. I've seen a lot of still photos that looked extremely realistic, but this video shows an entire region with great train movements that look very realistic. One of the best I've ever seen. Great mood. Great scenery. A model railroad to be proud of in every respect.
to the Model Railroader Forums, UPRR Geneva Subdivision!
That's a good-looking layout and with some especially effective backdrops, too. I also enjoyed watching the train movements.
Thanks, watching those handsome trains moving thru all that nice scenery was a load of fun.
Regards, Peter