When I was posting, this was the only thread visible, but when I completed my contribution and returned to the sub-forum, the second thread with the same title appeared. A Moderator should be able to combine the two.
Somehow there are two copies of your original post, Wayne replyed to one, the rest of us replyed to the other. Go to the layouts and layout building page, you will see both.
Strange, messages missing?That's strange, I just returned to this subject thread and the only message displayed is the latest one from Doctorwayne. Where are the others??
My Layout Plan
Interesting new Plan Consideration
I've never experienced the problem, Brian, so I've no idea what the cause might be. I used cut-out plywood roadbed or layed track directly on plywood, and I doubt that there's much expansion or contraction in it. My benchwork is all done from Select Pine, which is well-dried when purchased, and the supporting framework is kiln-dried dimensional lumber.My layout room is neither heated nor cooled, but it's well-insulated and there's little temperature variation from season-to-season, even though winter temperatures can drop below 0°F, and exceed 90°F in the summer. All of my track is soldered together, and while I do cut gaps for electrical control purposes, all gaps are filled with ABS plastic. A dehumidifier runs in the summer months, but it's not in the same room.