This may not apply to current-day wallpaper pastes, but I've see cases where older wallpaper was stripped, leave a fairly heavy layer of dried paste on the wall. It was very difficult to wash off, and seems to be quite a magnet for silverfish. I was eventually able to remove it using sandpaper, and the silverfish haven't re-appeared.
OK... So I am working on my 1:1 cardboard layout again... I decided to use it to experiment with a few scenery techniques. Nothing to lose. It is going in the trash anyway.
I have a tub of wallpaper paste on hand from a previous project. I decided to use it to hold the scenery base layer in place. I have always used either White Glue or Matte Medium previously.
This stuff is wonderful! It stays on slanted surfaces much better than either Matte Medium or White Glue. The Woodland Scenics #T49 fine grene blend seemed to stick to it just fine. I sprayed a mist of 5:1 diluted white glue over it when I was done. So far all is OK.
I have never read about anyone using wallpaper paste to hold scenery in place before. What does anyone know about this? Is there a long-term reason not to use this product? The cardboard layout model will not be around long enough to get any long-term results.
Living the dream.