I come across this on another form, the company I believe is no longer in business. Trying to figure out what material is this being use?
It looks like some stuff that I got many years ago.
It was ceramic tile that was scored and snapped.
Pieces were a uniform thickness, but width and length varied somewhat.
www.modelrailstructures.com Caperol,On,Canada. POM 1H0
They were labelled a building blocks.
Hope this helps.
You can make your own out of plaster. Make a simple mold using Depron foam for the walls. You can also use the foam as the base. In the pic below, I used waterproof sandpaper for the base because I was trying to get different amounts of texture on the surface, but that texture won't show once the stones are stacked. Once the plaster is poured I put a pane of glass over it to get a nice flat surface on top.
Then score and snap to make individual stones.
Steve S
Thanks guys, I wonder if its some type of linoleum flooring?
find used ceiling tiles,they are then weathered or use 1 with spray pam wax paper or foil and plaster and convey the shape.then glue it to another i have done many projects this way. then spray bomb the area for weathering and voila cheap and done correctly. the foil wax and pam are household goods and possibly the plaster and the paint can have multiple uses it is just a matter of thinking it through and minimal cost.
A different technique that might work is Hydrocal casting. I have molds from Sterling Models http://sterlingmodels.com/rock-molds/ and Bragdon www.bragdonent.com which give me really fine-scale castings.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.