My favorite go-to spray paint was Floquil's Grimy Black: it was dark, grey, warm, and thin enough for detail to pop through.
I didn't like that it was an expensive little can.
I found a similar dark grey auto primer (Rustoleum) but it was too thick, and it never seem to fully dry.
But I'm happy to announce the Second Coming of Grimy Black:
About $5 a can at Lowes.
Careful when selecting from the rack: it looks like a flat black but it's called "Blindfold":
Might be a touch lighter than Grimy Black, but, readily available for $5, close enough!
I use this to paint track, as a base coat for buildings, trim, windows, you name it.
I've found limiting the palate and having a common base for many aspects on the layout helps tie it all together, even if only subliminally.
So on this Walthers warehouse:
I sprayed the backs of the walls "Blindfold" and then the fronts:
Notice it doesn't have to be a thick all-covering layer.
Then, when dry in 5 minutes, spray over with Krylon Khaki:
A light sanding here & there will immediately add dark grey colored bricks, and there's already a darker color in the cracks.
Later will add mortar & grime washes.
Gave the Monticello base foam/styrene to Miles for him to do the streets and most of the main Broadway drag:
[photo courtesy of Miles The Weathering Man]
Me, I've got about 6 different structure projects littering the workbench:
On the layout itself, I've started installing the 1/8" Masonite fascia:
Hopefully tomorrow will finish the rest off, patch the holes, then can prime on Friday and have it dry over the weekend.
Back to the workbench!