Thank you for your help!
rrinker Just noticed something on that plan - it uses X staging!
Yes, although it's a bit ungainly as drawn. I drew my first N scale plan using X-Factor staging a few months after this article came out. I didn't remember the Joe Taylor article at the time, but it may have been in my subconscious.
Layout Design GalleryLayout Design Special Interest Group
Could you possibly scan the two pages for me?
Just noticed something on that plan - it uses X staging!
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Yes I am certain this is the magazine, which I am missing! Do you have it? Could you possibly scan the two pages for me?
You may be thinking of Joe Taylor's track plan in the October 1994 MR, page 82. 9'X12' in HO. Generally, plans of the early-to-mid 1990s won't be in the database.
Thank you!
As expected, the magazine index returned a LOT of options - but in MR, therer are a bunch up to 1980, and the next one after 1980 is 2005!
here's a link to a google image search of for switching layout that might help, or this one for L-shaped switching layouts
greg - Philadelphia & Reading / Reading
That's a lot of searching. Anything to narrow it down some more? I've noticed that time goes faster than some people think and a lot of times when someone says "it was in the 90's" it turns out it really was in the 80's.
One thing that helps is to use an index that really works - the NMRA one for example, while returning results for much more than just MR, also actually has a completely workable search. The results are then returned witht he magazine names in alphabetically order, and then within a magazine name, in date order. "L-shaped switching layout" will probably return hundreds if not thousands of results but you can scroll down to the Model Railroader section and then look at the dates and see if the title or author sound familiar.