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posssable starting a club im my area

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posssable starting a club im my area
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 4, 2004 11:26 AM
hi guys i have lived in the peoria illinois area for 8 years now and i have looked high and low there is only one club here i was wanting to start a new one i have been in the hobby for about 20 years on my own but i loved being a memebr to the elmhurst model railroad club and since moveing to peoria theres only one club that has a great lay out i was just wondering where do you actually start the town hall or the hobby shop ect ect any help would be great and i am sure all us peoria illinois modelers will thank you greatly
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Posted by ndbprr on Thursday, November 4, 2004 4:16 PM
Having started the Chicago chapter of the PRRT&HS I have some advice. Convince somebody else to do it! Seriously tough, you are going to have to carry the ball for a long time. You need to advertize everywhere you can and make your e-mail address and phone number available to see if there is interest. I would also try any historical society chapters in your area and NRHS members as well as hobby shops. To start a club you are going to need $$$$. Unless your thought is your basement which means it is open to strangers a lot of the time. so you will have rent, construction costs, etc. Lots of people will say great idea and then sit on their hands when you ask for help. Trust me.
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Posted by cacole on Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:08 PM
Amen to ndbprr's comments. Check with hobby shops in your area and see if they will let you post a notice on their counter about your desire to start a club, and leave your name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc. so people can contact you. If you don't generate enough interest, forget the whole idea.

Starting a club from scratch can take a good 5 years and a lot of financial outlay. Unless a member has a basement or empty building that the club can use, where will you build your layout? Rent, insurance, utilities, etc. can be a real financial burden on a small group.

As the club grows, incorporation may be necessary to protect yourself against lawsuits if something should go wrong, because liability insurance alone won't cover you or other club members against being held personally liable if someone is seriously injured by a power tool, fire, tripping, falling, or whatever. If the club succeeds and begins holding open houses, liability insurance and incorporation are a must.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, November 5, 2004 4:34 PM
We have just started a new "club". We have NO officers, NO dues, No bylaws. We just get togather once a month at a local resturant, eat and talk about trains. This month we are going to visit the home of one of our "members" and see his N scale layout. If this grows into somthing else, we'll just have to see. For now it's just a lot of fun.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 7, 2004 12:22 AM
ok heres the revise on the idea i talked with a member of the elmhurst model rr club and he is sending me a copy of all the things (laws bi laws ect ect i really do want to get this going i do have a plce now as well and did padss out flyers at the only reputable hobbyshop in town but if anyone is from the peoria area and interested please contact me
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Posted by cacole on Sunday, November 7, 2004 8:10 AM
One additional comment I have is this -- Be prepared to deal with people of all types of personalities, levels of experience, and willingness to participate. At our local club, which has been in existence for around 15 years how, we have never had more than one or two members who have ever helped with layout construction. When we need to perform a building maintenance task, we're lucky if two people show up. Right now, we're in the process of holding our semi-annual open house. We have an indoor 20x40 foot permanent HO layout, an outdoor 16x16 foot modular HO layout, and an outdoor 15x30 foot G-scale layout, Three members showed up Saturday morning to help set up the outdoor layouts and run trains. Today, we may be lucky to have three or four available to run trains, and then tear everything down and put it away. The club has 24 members. All the others always have 9,000 excuses of why they can't do anything.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:14 PM

We are in Peoria, and are looking to hook up with and exchange ideas, possible help etc. Feel free to drop me a line via our company web site at and submit a request for Dave.

Hope to hear from you.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:31 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dthurman


We are in Peoria, and are looking to hook up with and exchange ideas, possible help etc. Feel free to drop me a line via our company web site at and submit a request for Dave.

Hope to hear from you.

Bloomington/Normal here...just found I'm still finishing up my Ph.D, but there's another one interested from your local area.[:D]

My grandfather had a large HO layout in his basement, and I remember fondly the time I spent down there. My 2 year old son is becoming a RR freak, and it's rekindled the fire for me. We just mounted an O-gauge Lionel Penn Flyer track (Fastrack...nice and loud)over his bed, and he begs us to run it several times a night.

I know of a RR museum near Champaign (Monticello), and I think there might have been an HO club not too far from LaSalle (I remember reading something about it when I was researching the web sites...not sure if it's even active anymore).

I can't promise that I can help right now, but I'm definitely interested.
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Posted by jtatum65 on Monday, November 22, 2004 2:00 PM
Well lotsoffunn4us, what is wrong with the club you speak of in the peoria area? too far away? dont like the layout? dont like the members? what possibly could be so wrong in joining an already goin club? If you are referring to the River City Model Railroad Club in pekin, il. i know this club quite well, and you would most certainly benefit from joining them. Just curious?
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 18, 2005 10:12 AM
Update from poppyw2000
Last November we started a new "club" in the Houston area. There are 9 or 10 clubs in the area, that range from one with only home layouts to a modular club with HO, N & Z layouts, and a roller coaster division. There are also clubs with their own buildings and layouts. All of them were located on the far side of Houston, or further, and most had dues that I felt were way to high. In Houston, this could mean as much as a 1 1/2 hour drive just to get to the meeting. (Check out a Houston map).
Rather spend my hobby bucks on trains and stuff for the layout.
After almost a year, we still meet on the first Friday of each month, eat BBQ and talk about trains, or show off our latest modeling masterpiece. We average about 20 or so at each meeting.
We even have a name. The Petticoat Junction Model Rail Road Fellowship.
Visit our yahoo group at Junction MRRG-Houston.
Also look at the same name PJMRRG-Germany. Yes we have gone international.

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