We have a steam whistle somewhere around here, probably up in the attic above the power house.
We have not used in in more than 40 (or maybe 50) years, ever since we stopped running our boilers at high pressure. Except for that steam whistle, high pressure was a pain in the toot. Of course when we were generating electricity here, high pressure steam was necessary. But then everybody switched to AC power and so we shut down our DC generators.
The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.
Here there be cats. LIONS with CAMERAS
I have a link here, but I am surprised to see/learn that this under-table sound system is meant for use with DCC...which seems a bit odd to my uneducated mind.
However, MRC seems to make something up your alley called the MRC Tech 6.
ESU and Lenz electronics are European the best. ESU HAS A LARGE SELECTION OF EURO TRAIN SOUNDS for their decoders so YOU CAN REVIEW THEM ALL; RECORD THEM OR BUY A DECODER FOR REALISM. Forget the US
Hi Crandall,
Yes, you hit it right on the head. I am using old school dc which I want to put under my bench. Soundtraxx appears to be what I am seeking. Your suggestion is taking me down the right path! can you direct me to obtaining this equipment? I surely would appreciate it!! My layout is again, old school dc.
Any insight would be appreciated!
Thank you kindly!
Larry @ AUDI USA
You are probably (I think) referring to the 'banshee' shrill high-pitched whistle that was in widespread use in Europe, but also had some application in the USA. The Pennsylvania Rail Road had a Decapod 2-10-0, for example, that had a banshee whistle, and I believe some switchers across some roads also had banshees, but I can't rightly recall.
If you go to the QSI (Quantum Sound) site and look for the sound files for steam, you will find at least one in the whistle set that is the banshee.
Just to be clear, what you might be looking for is called a 'sound decoder', a digital master system installed in the tender. Wires run from it to the motor, lights, and to a small speaker. The decoder controls the locomotive, and you tell a command unit powering the rails what the decoder must do for you. Your own inputs come from a hand-held throttle...normally. The system is called Digital Command Control, and is now about 20 years old.
The alternative is to stay with straight DC and to use speakers and a sound system under the benchwork. Sountraxx makes at least one such system.
Is this the type of information you are looking for, before we go too far down the wrong path?
Hello everyone!
I need some help! I am re-entering the model train hobby for the first time since the 1970's. After years of building plastic models, I need a refreshing change!
Here is my problem: I am building a 16X 6' layout "L" shaped, of the Italian railroad system from Milano to Verona circa 1944. I am planning a minimum 5 train operation and am only using European steam locomotives and single axle rolling stock units. What I need is a sound system device that will accurately duplicate that high pitched shrill of the steam whistle. I have the one from Bachmann but that is the "moaning" USA version.
What kind of device can I use? MP3 with a download? A "1-touch" device would be nice.
If you would like to hear the whistle that I am seeking, the movies "Von Ryan's Express" and "The Train" have the pitch I am looking for.
Can anyone offer some assistance??
Thank you!