This 5X7 HO switching layout is close to your dimensions, although not the industries in which you are interested. It was designed to handle a small number of cars. Note the interchange track (in green), which can add a lot of interest.
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one of my designs for a 7x5 L-shaped space, just to give you an idea what might fit.
Could easily be done in your space, replace the #6 crossover by a #5 and it fits.
Here is a demonstration of a H0 scale layout (heavily inspired by Robert Beaty - Arjay1969 in these forums) in a similar (but larger) space - perhaps you could borrow some ideas from that?
In general it tends gives most entertainment value for small switching layouts to model industries that have dedicated car spots - where each car has to be placed "just so" to be loaded or unloaded, instead of modeling industries where you can show a cut of five or ten identical cars down a track, and that's it.
Also, long cars like container cars eats up a lot of space - to back cars into a spur, you also need room beyond the switch into the spur for the engine, inbound cars and outbound cars, or at least room to pull outbound cars and shove them into some other track, before grabbing inbound cars, puill em past the switch and shove them back into the spur.
Then again, if you are in N scale, you can fit more in 6 feet of layout length.
Smile, Stein
Hi all,
I have just recently decided to dump the 6x4 idea and pick up the L-shape in HO.
The layout in two segments will be 180cm x 2 feet and the second 2 metres x 2 feet, sorry for the mix of measurements.
On this I am hoping for a double door train shed (Pikestuff), A station (Faller 120181) and Atlas (#716), Medusa Cement by Walthers and a container terminal. If extra space hopefully a yard of some sort and/or another industrial building.
I was hoping if anyone was able to sketch a plan up as I have already tried numerous times to lay track, also I don't have the aid of software.
Here is what it looks like:¤t=L-Shape.png
Thanks, HappyWarrior