The hip roof is pretty distinctive. Oddly enough, this B&O depot from AMB seems to have somewhat the same lines
While the roof is different, the Classic Miniatures Laws Depot might serve as a stand-in for me for a long time, were I in your shoes. Certainly the same region.
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Here's your link activated:
Beatty depot
It would help if you could find some views of the other sides (unless they won't be visible on your layout) and perhaps a Sandborn map of the area - this should give you basic dimensions and perhaps some peripheral details. Otherwise, that looks like a pretty simple scratch/parts build, using Evergreen siding and strip and Grandt Line or Tichy windows.
I can see why you might want to model the railroad, as those are very photogenic locos.
I'll try this again. My computer at work got put on the cloud and now nothing works right.
Look at the depot pictures at the bottom of the page.
I am thinking about building the Beatty LV&T /T&T depot since is is a wood structure. The stone Rhyolite depot may be just to much to handle. I seem to remember seeing a wood laser kit some place that would be a good start for kitbashing this depot. But looking at American laserkits or the other craftsman kit manufacturers I can't find any with that type of roof or the horizontal siding. Has anyone seen a kit that has a general resemblance to the Beatty depot? Thanks - Nevin
Something seems to be missing, Nevin. I can only hope that it's a photo of your model depot and some info on how you built it. A second choice would be a photo of the prototype, as the links which you've provided, going back as far as 2008, do not work, and I couldn't fine any photos of the Beatty depot online.
On the other hand, there seem to be lots of photos of the LV&T depot at Rhyolite - have you, by any chance, considered a change of venue?