I used the foam on my last layout and liked it a lot. I used cork for my current layout because it is a desert layout and it was easier to paint a tan color than the woodland scenics. Black was too dark. The WS foam roadbed is good stuff. - Nevin
csxns It is cheaper than cork at the LHS that i go to,went ahead and got two rolls and a six pack of sheet track bed for my turnouts so i think that i will like it so thanks to everybody for the help.
It is cheaper than cork at the LHS that i go to,went ahead and got two rolls and a six pack of sheet track bed for my turnouts so i think that i will like it so thanks to everybody for the help.
It's cheaper than cork, but it's also shorter. So I would guess that the price per length is roughly the same.
My layout is 75% WS foam trackbed. I think it's great. I didn't need to split it. I personally think it's better than cork on curves. I would use cork on straight sections and under turnouts though. I think it's a great product, my only complaint is that some pieces are wider or narrower than others - there isn't a totally consistent width to them.
I use the Woodland Scenics Underlay exclusively and also love it. I agree that the sponginess allows for some ability to take out unevenness. I have never used cork however so can't compare.
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I like cork, or more correctly, I like cork initially when it is soft, rubbery, and pliable....when it's "fresh". But I have been handling some unused full lengths recently that are probably nearing 6 years of age, and I can't say I like what I feel.
I wish there were some sort of preservative oil that would keep it the way it came off the tree. If that were the case, I'd still use the cork. However, I think I'll go with 1/8" vinyl underlay the next time. I just cut it in strips to suit the requirement in any one place. In fact, a large slab of it runs under my entire yard. Makes for very quiet movement above 5/8" G1S ply that I salvaged from my first layout.
My other surface is simply 14" MDF splines with a light smear of acrylic latex caulking between my plastic ties and the spline roadbed.
I use it all the time.
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
Love it myself and have laid untold feet of it between several layouts. I find the sponginess makes it easier to work with, form, and is more forgiving than cork. It's been on my main layout for 7 years with zero issues.
Best thing since "sliced bread", "cordless drills", "DCC", Kadee couplers" and "LED's"....
I love it. The sponginess gives the ability to adjust uneveness.
I used the Woodland Scenics roadbed exclusively on the Yuba River Sub, mainly because since my railroad is in a largely uninsulated garage (California Basement, LOL!), I found that cork was prone to deterioration over time do to climactic changes over the seasons. I've had no problems with it, and yes, it will match up to the level of the cork roadbed with no problem.
Some modelers do not care for the WS roadbed because of the slight 'sponginess' of the foam, but it hasn't bothered me at all. I've used the HO roadbed for my main line, and the N scale for my yard. I've had no problems at all in the 8+ years it's been on my layout.
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
What do you think about the Track-Bed made by Woodland Scenics.I am thinking about using it for yard and side tracks.And will it mate with Cork because i am using cork on my main line,Thanks.