Hi from Belgium,
In the box and on pictures a turntable look great, but in reality we need something which could work with no frustation.
I'ts very important that the bridge track are lined as precisely as possible with the adjacent track.
As smallest is the scale as more precision we need for this accomplishment.
Lot had be said and try to accomplish the move, from hard mechanicals device to opto sensor or electromagnetic systems; but all are hard device to regulate and the results are often far beyond the expecting whishes.
About the new Walthers turntable some say the move is fine other say it's not. Durability of the indexing in the time is an another thing.
I have seen a N scale Walthers turntable but the index is far from precise; a two millimeters error is enough to make a deraillment.
I always looking for new products or top level system because I want a nearly zero frustrating level when running my train especialy in Nscale; thats include my turntable.
I make the choice of the New York Railway Supply system www.nyrs.com which use an electronic device with a stepper motor to turn the turntable. The precision is amazing. They also made a bracket to use their system with the Walthers turntable.
Even the system is quite expensive, if you want an no frustrating turntable indexing, for a turntable you need to use for operate, this system is the only one you need.
It was reviewed by MR and Mister Sperandeo a few years ago.
They speak about it in the Kalmbach book "Locomotive Servicing Terminals".