On small seams I use latex caulk, I filled the gaps between sections of my base foam last night using it. I all so use drywall compound like Mr Hill. I bought a 25 pound bucket for $12.00 or so 3 years ago from Home Depot. It was still good last night, first time I opened it in 2 years.
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
Another vote for Sculptamold. Not the cheapest choice, but I like the texturing and the working time it gives you. It's also easy to tint with cheap craft acrylic paints.
I tint it, and while it's still wet I sprinkle on some ground foam for a scenery base.
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I use pre mixed liteweight drywall seam cement, Sometimes I will mix with color and sawdust to get texture. Be sure to add Lysol if you use sawdust. Adding water will change consistancy. It can make great rocks when carved or painted on for effect. I use it exclusivly over carved foam scenery.
nik_n_dadWhat have some of you used as an alternative to the WS Foam Putty to fill gaps, fine tune terrain, etc when building your layout from foam? I love the WS stuff, but it's pretty pricey Thanks
model in O. the Western NY and Ontario Railroad
I use DAP Fast 'N Final Lightweight Spackle.
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Sculptamolds works very well.It fills gaps and has ample working time. I kinda smear it over the final cut foam to give the foam a lumpy ground like texture. If you're smearing it add a little extra water. Its not too spendy and if you like it you can get it in 25# bags. BILL