The company is now owned by Athearn which is now owned by Horizon Hobbies. They no longer make kits, but so many were made for so long that I am sure they will turn up for a while yet.
Not to be too nit picky but.......
Horizon owned Athearn before MDC/Roundhouse was aquired by Athearn - AND, while there are no current MDC products offered in kit form, there has been no definative statement form Athearn that no Roundhouse kits will return. Obviously they have just begun to revamp the Roundhouse line and RTR is first these days.
Athearn still makes their Blue Box kits and may well see a market for some Roundhouse items in kit form as well - especially unlettered versions.
Also, there is still a fair amount of Roundhouse kits on hobby shop shelves, e-bay, at train shows, etc. And, an old Wathers catalog is all that is needed to understand what was made and then search for it.
Also, keep in mind when dealing with Athearn, viewing their website, etc, "discontinued" is Athearn speak for out of stock until they decide to run another batch. Its been that way the whole 40 years I have been buying their stuff.