Thanks! Looks like it could be adapted to a hand held version pretty EZ.
Nice design. Unfortunately, I won't be using it.
Both my wife and I have breathing issues. Even the minor amount of smoke and fumes generated by heat-cutting foam is unacceptable to both of us. I could wish that was not the case, but I have to deal with facts, not wishes.
For those who don't have my health issues, it should be quicker and a lot neater than doing the same thing with a round 'all-directions' blade in a jigsaw. It still doesn't address the problem of wire-carving odd shapes, like roadbed and drainage ditch profile in the top of thick foam.
A potentially useful, but limited, device. Thanks for sharing.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - on foam cut with cold blades)
Found this online. I have a foam cutter, but for those that don't, you might want to give this a try. Here's the link: