No need to buy the WS stuff. I prefer drybrushing my plaster castings anyway. I tend to start with a dark charcoal gray base and drybrush lighter grays and browns over top.
WS Cut Stone Tunnel Portal & rock castings:
WS N scale Cut Stone Retaining Wall:
Take a Ride on the Reading with the: Reading Company Technical & Historical Society
Marketing 101.
Apply instructions with products from same company brand necessary or suggested to Modeler. Modeler runs out buying more of a certain brand. Company makes moola.
I am learning how to use plaster or hydrocal to do the same work as foam at cheaper pricing. Home Depot may not be aware of it, but they are a Hobby Shop too. LOL. Now wonder if that quickcrete will do well for a street I have planned for a corner over yonder.
I dare say that paint = pigment mixed into suspension with a liquid. That liquid may respond to water or petroleum products.
Thanks for the input. Good info.
You already have it figured out. They want to sell their own product. Just like their scenery manual will steer you to their products as well. There's nothing wrong with that. Companies make profits by selling their products and that's how they stay in business. But their interests are not always in your best interest. WS makes excellent products but some of what they make are just expensive versions of other products that can be purchased elsewhere for less money. I've used acrylic paints on the retaining walls with excellent results. Their liguid pigments are just a fancy name for paint.
I shouldn't matter. Any arcylic paint thinned with water should work. If you are concerned test it on the back side.
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
The instructions say to paint the Woodland Scenics plaster retaining walls with Woodland Scenics Earth Colors Liquid Pigments. Is there any reason why regular acrylic paint followed by dullcote won't work just as well? I know they want to sell their own product, but....