I wonder if he is available to build control panels ?????????????????????????????
Johnboy out.................................
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
dwbeckett wrote: My wife's new laptop has Vista with 2gig and 120gig HD + a DVD burner. and she won't let me play with it.
Oh man come on, you want to play with Vista? Become a computer tech., I know one who is swamped with Vista people yelln "help".
Think I will stick to where I am at.
The head is gray, hands don't work , back is weak, legs give out, eyes are gone, money go's and my wife still love's Me.
If I remember my history correctly, it was Admiral Grace Hooper that coined the term. She may have been a tech then but quickly rose in the ranks. She was a fantastic speaker.
Bill W
The wheel was an early mouse device which worked much like the principles used in etch-a-sketches. The inner wheel controlled horizontal mouse pointer movement while the out wheel controlled it's vertical movement. Once the operator positioned his mouse pointer over the desired object on the screen, he would slide over about four feet to his right and smash that big black button located about a foot up from the bottom of the console.
Note how far ahead of their time they were in the combination keyboard-printer. Also note the ten key pad on the right of the keyboard, another invention which had not yet come to fruition but was envisioned in the minds of the good folks at RAND.
cabbage wrote:Well the following is actually TRUE!!! The Britsh code breaking centre "Station X" (Bletchley Park) had at the end of the second World War ten code breaking engines, (the term computer was a human one at this time).The machines were staffed by a team of Wrens (Womens Royal Navy). They found that the waste heat output from the fans cooling the DOZENS of Pentodes running the Collossus X engine was THE perfect way to dry their laundry. Most of the time the Wren staff were wearing just swim suits or knickers and bras (and caps with rank badges on them) -due to the high temperatures caused. THUS most of the world FIRST REAL computer operations centre -was normally adorned with washing lines covered in female underwear. regardsralph
Do you know what the first computer "bug" was?
It was literally a "bug", a large moth to be exact, that flew into the US equivelent of Collosus, and caused a nasty short. A lady tech who cleaned up the mess coined the term, "getting a bug out of the system"
Have fun with your trains
The Home of Articulated Ugliness
That is pretty funny. What do you suppose the double steering wheel is for? Thank goodness Steve Jobs, Woz and the HP boys came along.
Actually it is a Linn Westcott design for DCC circa 1954
Actually it is a prize winner in an image modification competition and has nothing to do with what the Rand Corp. was predicting for a home computer in 2004.
The photo is an urban legend:
but a funny one.
Dave Nelson
Tom Trigg
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