I hope we are speakng in G-scale because if we are I do have plans which I would have to take to printers and then ship them to you.
Need to get Garden Railways Magazine also, lots of info., check the board/s and please ask questions! Again Welcome.
The Home of Articulated Ugliness
to the forum!
I can't think of any better way to keep from getting depressed than by working on a garden RR project! Except maybe a cool spring day riding down a winding road on a Triumph. Either way, we're here to help! Plenty to do and plenty of people to help, so feel free to ask anything and we'll try our best to give you some good information to work with.
The Dixie D Short Line "Lux Lucet In Tenebris Nihil Igitur Mors Est Ad Nos 2001"
Hope He's doin better, love to see some pics of "The Rose RR" if you get a chance, and if your not careful he'll do what I do, spend all work workin on the trains so when he comes home he can run them!
(Where did you find that rediculous banana?)
we ever get it running ill send pics right now its just a track in the middle of the rose garden but at least its a start
Age is only a state of mind, keep the mind active and enjoy life
The head is gray, hands don't work , back is weak, legs give out, eyes are gone, money go's and my wife still love's Me.
I pulled my 150' x 50' track up last winter and cleaned the tracks back up.
Redoing alot of it this time, no buildings on it last time so this one will have alot if my fingers stay on and don't get glued together . Alot of work ahead of me thou.
Oh and some one ask about my banana, I can not remember where I got him, have more thou
Hope he (your hubby) is getting stronger by the hour. William
sugar_n_spice wrote:. we are just a couple of big gron up kids lol.would love to her some ideas on how soe of your garden railways look .
Sugar_n_spice, all you need to do is look around in the Genreal discussion forum, check the post's that have the word UPDATE in them except mine I have been to busy with other projects to take picture's of my indoor LS DNRR (in Reno part-time ), also working on a new small outdoor LS ONBRy ( in CA ) when I need a brake from doing the weeding and planting and leveling the 300sq foot patio. BTY all railroad's BIG and small need a name my two are the DNRR= Dave & Nancy Rail Road or Doing Nothing Rail Road and ONBRy=Out iN Back Railway This may be changed to the Rock & Rose Rail Road R&RRR because of The current land scape theam river rock and mini-rose's. what have have you named your's?
yeah we looked in garden railways noting listed very close closses is in springfield and thats 6 hours from here. thnaks anyway
Jeez, from looking at all of the layouts and progress on other railways, I'm getting envious!
I too am starting out, I just plopped down and got a Bachmann Big Hauler R/C set with some broken plastic track. But I'm SO READY to get a layout started with some brass out in my backyard.
To reiterate s'n's, thanks for the links to the bridge and trestle plans. These are what I was looking for as well.
Sugar & Spice, How is he doing?
Mac_Daddy, have some Bmann track and not to far from you.
I'm just starting to, i have a HUGE yard (double corner lot) to landscape and i want to include a garden railroad.
So my first of many questions is: who do you guys recomend for track? I am looking for smooth, reliable operation of course, but am also looking for a little more 'scale' appearance with long turnouts and correct ties. Also can you mix and match brands?
Are you sugar & spice hubby? If not please post this question in your own post.
Sugar & Spice, How is he?
Well if there is more people around the area they could help in the hard stuff and he can point and tell them what to do.......I know how meds are, there not fun!
Is there a club near by? I try to help my fellow Brothern as much as I can, so there has to be more out there that would help him also.
Toad in da Swamp
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