OK heres a controversial subject... prior to the Academy Awards everyone I talked to raved that 'Babel" was a shoe in for best pic, it was unbelievable they said...well it didnt win. And I know why now...saw it...it was SLOW, and IMHO ...pretensious. Too many "look what a good filmmaker I am" scenes. I have seen several pics I found better, Hollywoodland, The Queen, Children of Men, heck, even Stranger Than Fiction was better.
My wife liked it, but she likes anything with Mr Pitt in it. I was extremly underwhelmed by it after all the hype.
Now what should have been best pic IMHO, was "Pans Labyrinth" which made Babel look like a infomercial, sadly it didnt even get "Best Foriegn Language" pic which was a serious bummer.
Anyone else see the dullfest or want to praise/dam what they thought should have won?
Have fun with your trains
tangerine-jack wrote: Sleep? HA! I'd like to have some of that! I've been very busy with my wife getting ready to have a baby any day now, just got done with a short tour of duty at Ft. Lee to prepare for my overseas deployment later this spring, and my very best friend and riding buddy, Jim Simms was killed on Feb 20th when he lost control of his motorcycle on the interstate. Garden railroading? Maybe a little later, more important things right now.
Sleep? HA! I'd like to have some of that! I've been very busy with my wife getting ready to have a baby any day now, just got done with a short tour of duty at Ft. Lee to prepare for my overseas deployment later this spring, and my very best friend and riding buddy, Jim Simms was killed on Feb 20th when he lost control of his motorcycle on the interstate.
Garden railroading? Maybe a little later, more important things right now.
Jack sorry to hear about your friend, my condolensces.
Alan mate; I think you didn't do to good with that subject as no one understood it.
Don't forget i am a poor Aussie here; on the other side of the world walking around on my hands.
Rgds Ian
iandor wrote: Alan mate; I think you didn't do to good with that subject as no one understood it.Don't forget i am a poor Aussie here; on the other side of the world walking around on my hands.Rgds Ian
Walking on your hands??? Do you juggle with your feet? If so there is a good bit of money to be made!
Great Western wrote:Greetings Ian. Being controversial seems to me to have a couple of effects. a) a lot of flack thrown so you have to keep below the parapet or b) no one answers! I introduced a debating point on a UK Forum. No one answered. Now you are most certainly wondering what the topic was I'm sure; it was this. Why do many model locos which are models of locos which were coal fired show no sign of coal/model coal anywhere on the model - usually tank locos? The other point was why is the overhead catenary, for models of electrically powered locos, often missing. So there you are Ian let's see!
Greetings Ian.
Being controversial seems to me to have a couple of effects. a) a lot of flack thrown so you have to keep below the parapet or b) no one answers!
I introduced a debating point on a UK Forum. No one answered.
Now you are most certainly wondering what the topic was I'm sure; it was this.
Why do many model locos which are models of locos which were coal fired show no sign of coal/model coal anywhere on the model - usually tank locos? The other point was why is the overhead catenary, for models of electrically powered locos, often missing.
So there you are Ian let's see!
The answers to your questions are simple, actually it is one simple answer: "What do you expect, they are just toys." (Tongue very firmly in cheek!)
On a serious note, the coal question most likely goes back to the fact that there are a lot of garden railroaders who haven't seen a coal fired steamer in action. They just don't miss such a "minor detail".
The missing catenary has several reasons; if you like to string that in the garden, you're well adviced to be ready for repairs. Even if your garden is "critter" proof, birds will use it for a swing! If OTOH you go for heavy duty catenary, save the work, it won't look realistic. And then there is the famous "ten foot" rule - which is regularly invoked when things are not quite up to snuff - in this case it would be hard to see the wires from ten feet.
Happy compromise? Fix the pantographs at a realistic height, set the catenary masts at realistic distances and make sure you design something to guide the pantos under the overpasses and into the tunnels.
That's what our techie suggested; I can hardly wait 'til he puts that into action on our layout.
Best regards
The Home of Articulated Ugliness
be careful Ian is very protective of his picture of the wall so IF YOU COPY IT YOU CAN SEE ALL OF IT. and whatever you do, DO NOT CALL HIM Mr. Brown I MADE THAT MISTAKE. as for the subject of this post how about ad price's verse's on-line price and then add shipping I find most times I can get what I need faster and near the same total cost form my local shop.
ad price for aristo 20370/80 $47.89, online price $41.89 ( I think $41.89 is a typo )+ minamum $6.95 shipping on both. Why the big differance The last two I purchased from my local shop were $54.00 + tax and I had them in my hand when I left the shop. I also read the disclamer that said prices are only for FAX, E-MAIL or PHONE orders. so we are going to pay higher price +tax + shipping If we travel in my case 600-700 miles and can't take it with.
The head is gray, hands don't work , back is weak, legs give out, eyes are gone, money go's and my wife still love's Me.
dwbeckett wrote:be careful Ian is very protective of his picture of the wall so IF YOU COPY IT YOU CAN SEE ALL OF IT. and whatever you do, DO NOT CALL HIM Mr. Brown I MADE THAT MISTAKE.
be careful Ian is very protective of his picture of the wall so IF YOU COPY IT YOU CAN SEE ALL OF IT. and whatever you do, DO NOT CALL HIM Mr. Brown I MADE THAT MISTAKE.
It just looks like a "cracked wall", but it could be one of the controversial topics:
"Be it resolved, the question is: When will Mr. Ian J Brown learn how to crop a picture for his signature file?"
Oh your back Elizabeth.
iandor wrote:Oh your back Elizabeth.
Dear Mr. Brown,
Actually I didn't go anywhere, I read here on a more or less regular basis and if a reply is warranted, a reply is forthcoming.
We do have the in-house resources for that.
Best wishes
Ian insists he did not put that wall pic on his signature posting.
It may be that someone has put it there in the hopes that it may be recognised and accepted as an outstanding work of art and can therefore join a lot of the other trash that finds its way into galleries these days .
Alan, Oliver & North Fork Railroad
If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. Lewis Carroll English author & recreational mathematician (1832 - 1898)
Great Western wrote:Greetings, Ian insists he did not put that wall pic on his signature posting. It may be that someone has put it there in the hopes that it may be recognised and accepted as an outstanding work of art and can therefore join a lot of the other trash that finds its way into galleries these days .
That, of course, is a distinct possibility. Our in-house techie had a good laugh at the chance of "gremlins" being at work when it comes to signature pictures. I' m not t-h-a-t computer savvy, but it does seem far-fetched from what I learned.
Oh! There is a train there!
Sorry, my attempt to start a flame war has failed. Here' I'll crop so it shows the train.
Here, you go, Ian
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