FB - RC/Battery loco

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FB - RC/Battery loco
Posted by pimanjc on Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:30 PM

With all the discussion of battery cars recently, I thought I would post a detailed thread on the layout of my FB radio control battery loco.  This technique would easily be addapted to almost any type car.

Here are pictures of the battery car I built and ran at Marty Cozad's Steamup last September.

The body started as a B&O shell I bought on Ebay [for too much]. It was repainted with Krylon and striped with automotive pinstriping. The Warbonet logo was done on lazer mailing label material. [I wish Aristo would sell replacement/kitbash decals too]

Care was taken to make the loco the right height to match protypical locos.

Aristo Trackside TE [27mhz] is used with 3300mah NIMH batteries [9.6v x 2 in series].  The coil wound antenna has range in excess of 70ft.  Couplers are Aristo [although the A-units have Kadees], since the streamliners pulled use Aristo couplers.

The chasis is made from aluminum step plate [cut with my reciprocationg saw].  All machine screw holes were drilled and threaded #4s. The TE is mounted with nylon screws.  A weight was placed under the antenna coils to insure good tracking.

A set of Bolsters, trucks, and undercarrage compartment from an Aristo Streamliner were ordered from Aristo and installed.  

I am extremely pleased with this car.  Thanks to Marty, Paul and others who helped me learn about making this and my other a trail power/RC cars/tenders.

Note: this car can be seen in action in my thread in the General forum: "Great Way to End 2006 - snowplowing" video.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to Everyone.


"Never promise more than you can give. Always give more than you promise." ~JC "You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing." ~AU

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