Curved Tunnel Project

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Curved Tunnel Project
Posted by pimanjc on Friday, December 29, 2006 8:43 PM

In one of my biggest follies, I decided to build a curved, almost 3% graded tunnel, without prior tunnel experience.  Attached are pictures.


First, the roadbed for the track and footings for the sides were poured and reinforced with 3/8" rebar.  Then track was screwed down to the roadbed and the sides were checked for sufficient clearance using my largest cars - Aristo Streamliners.


Originally, I had metal strapping to support the roof.  That didn't work!  Then air mattresses were blown up for support [track wasn't supposed to make hole in air mattresses]. Finally, in desperation, 10.5in 2x4s were wedged inside to hold up the estimated 140lbs of concrete.




Grandson Christian, runs the  Mikado w/ "Where's the Beef" stock car & reefer consist [CCW] on Thanksgiving day, through the tunnel, while grand daughter Kelsey, runs the Scientific Toys train on the inside loop [CW].

It was nice to be able to run trains both ways independantly. Tunnel portals still need to be installed. A new reverse crossover was planned today.

The tunnel is finished except waiting for Mother Nature to grow, and grow back, some English Ivey [after I trompled it]where I now have artificial Ivy and in front of the tunnel. The portal is a cut down Aristo Portal.

The grey flat rock to the right of the portal in the last picture is a memorial stone for wife's dearly departed pet cat of 18yrs.  Needless to say, it was little disturbed in construction of the tunnel [under threat of death[:0]].



"Never promise more than you can give. Always give more than you promise." ~JC "You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing." ~AU

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