Just picked up a 4 car set of WM covered hoppers.

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Just picked up a 4 car set of WM covered hoppers.
Posted by tmcc man on Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:42 PM

While I was at the Reading, Pa train show helping my club set up and run, I decided that I was going to look around before the doors opened this morning. At Star Hobby, I saw the 4 car covered hopper set in the Chessie Yellow and Blue, and the Western Maryland Red Set. I ended up getting the Red set, at $185 instead of $195. He let the $10 off of the red, but not the yellow set, which I could understand. There weren't enough yellow sets at the show, and if there would have been, I am guessing I would have had those. The other sets are coming in January, so I decided that I will save up some Christmas money and order the Yellow when they come in. They also have very nice Gray WM 100 ton hoppers coming in too. Decisions, decisions...... 

Colin from

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