How do i find out What Type of Grade I have in my backyard
How do I measure It
Here a Little Video Clip of the Grade
Thanks for the help guys . I got alot of work ahead but I'm going to build a huge Conrail Layout
This is a lot easier in metric but i divided my area into 1 m squares. Made myself a water level and got an assistant ot draw the whole lot out on a piece of graph paper and took a reading at every intersection and transferred the lot to graph paper and i made my plans from there. Don't forget to double the variations in your water levels, as they work half at each end of your water level. ie if youhave a variationof 2 cms one end will go up 1 cm and theother down 1 cm.
Now comes in the bit where metric is so good. All horizontal measurements are made in metres and vertical ones in centimetres; divide the vertical by the horizontal and all results will be in percentage of grade.
if you would like to see a picture of my water level send me your email adressa dn i wilsend you a copy of a photo and advice as to how to make one!
Rgds ian
Suuuurrrre, Ian... Out to prove that we imperialists are still doing it the hard way... I know how y'all are down there.
Seriously, great tip. I'll have to remember that one, even if it does mean I have to learn how to divide the yard up into meters. Or is it meters into yards, or... *poof!* Darn. There goes the brain. See why we can't do metric???
The idea is to only have a vague idea of whats related to what. the idea is to do all your measurments in metric then all you will be relating to is other metric measurements. The overal answer will be apercentage which is neither a metric or impperial measurement.
Forget about all imperial measurements when you are on this project, get metric measuring devices which are cheap enough to buy and just do your verticals in centimetres and your horizontals in metres and it will all take care of itself.
I live in a metric country but it hasn't always been so; i can remember when we didn't even have netric money.
So if i can do it so can you!
Rgds Ian
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