North American MTS Training Seminar

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North American MTS Training Seminar
Posted by Bucksco on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 3:32 PM

LGB in association with “Calvin and Bobs” MTS seminars inc. participated in the first “in depth” MTS training seminar from August 4th to 6th 2006 in Cranbury New Jersey.

The course was composed of 3 sections :
-Model Railroad electronics- discussion of power and control protocol (DCC)
-Decoder installation
-PC layout building and operation.

A lot of material to cover in approximately 2 days but they managed to give a very good basic overview of all of the concepts with lots of “Hands on” .
One of the gentlemen attending said he felt like
“someone was spraying me with a firehose of information. But at least I’m getting wet!”

Overall I believe it was successful. Everyone had fun learning to install decoders and contemplating PC operation of thier garden railway!

Group photo of everyone.....

Bob Brashear making adjustments to the table top "teaching" layout

It was a very informative weekend. My thanks to both Calvin Lane and Bob Brashear for all of the time and work involved!


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