Bird Houses

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 18, 2006 10:19 PM

This is the water tank I made from the birdhouse.



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Posted by mgilger on Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:16 PM

Lowes hardware store sells bird feeders that are pretty good. Take off the bottom and sit them on the ground. Best thing, they are only $15. Besides the one in the following picture, they sell a red school house about the same size.




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Posted by dwbeckett on Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:25 AM
I currently have 18 of the Michel's version of white wood bird house, I used a sealer on them first, then used a mix of stains on the body with a overcoat of satin outdoor polyurathne ( leftovers form remodeling projects ). The roofs are painted with outdoor green enamel paint. I do not recommend latex as it will not be absorbed easy by the wood. The first 6 have been completed for about 2 . 5 years and  are currently in storage pending relocation. They can be made into an acceptable looking cabins with a littel extra attenion to what they are painted with. The DNRR will live agian.Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by CandCRR on Friday, August 4, 2006 11:42 AM


My Wife just picked up a brid feeder light house.  I think she found it at the lumber yard.  It is already taking its rightful place next to the track.


Thank you, Jaime
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:54 PM


I  went and got some more log cabin bird houses and a round bird house  to make a water tower  today  , now i must make a base for it and put a water pipe on it and  make a latter to put on it.    thanks ben



you can start out with a G -scale starter set , and add to it.   ben

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Posted by perry1060 on Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:50 PM

I have made about five of these bird feeders from scratch. All I need now is the G railroad to go with it.

Enjoy the hobby Perry
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:32 AM


I saw them ,thanks for the idea , when i go get some more log cabin s, i'll pick one up and try it ,         Vic  after i paint my bird houses i let them dry a day or two , then i spray them with about 4 coats of clear coat this seems to work for me ,this is my 2nd year on some of the bird houses, and they don't look to bad .  BenBig Smile [:D]


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Posted by ttrigg on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:49 PM

Michael's also has a round bird house that will do nicely as a "base structure" for a water tank.


I've noticed the same thing with my drug store and wedding chapel.  After doing the repairs, I went down to the harbor to a boat shop and picked up some "dull coat spar varnish" thus sealing everything quite well and preserving them.

Tom Trigg

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:42 PM
Half my birdhouses now need serious attention prior to being reused. The sunlight here is very very bad for them, they dont hold up and deteriorate over time. My drugstore from Shoshana's birdhouses, is near falling apart. several other more newer ones are in worse condition. I have to rethink what I'm going to use outside from here on. I dont want to be having to replace them every season.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:32 AM


I still have them, they are out side , i just needed a few more building to put around the railroad . I have to take some more pictures and try and post them , I don't know if i can in this new forum yet .   Ben

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Posted by FJ and G on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:23 AM
 BennysRR wrote:
i had some from before ..Big Smile [:D] Ben


What became of these since I last visited?

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Bird Houses
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:52 AM
i just came home from a new Michael's Crafts it just open near my house in Penna. they had the log cabin bird houses on special for 4.00 ,  i bought 5 to use on my garden railroad , i must now paint them, and make doors  and windows for them , i may go and get some more. i can't by the wood to build them at 4.00 a piece , they make nice houses, i had some from before ..Big Smile [:D] Ben

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