Battery + RCS + sound in Berlyn work goose # 6.

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Battery + RCS + sound in Berlyn work goose # 6.
Posted by TonyWalsham on Saturday, June 17, 2006 10:55 PM
This weekend I finished making up a drop in installation for the Berlyn work goose # 6.

The only change I made to the goose wiring was to drill a small hole in the tray floor under the cab overhang and fed the original track connections up through it to meet the RCS output.
I left the original low voltage lighting intact.

The drop in tray was made with sheet styrene.
The first thing I made were supports for the speaker which were cut to length and screwed to the speaker.

Next I used thin sheet styrene to fabricate a box for the speaker.

This box was then glued to the sheet styrene floor so that it fits behind the cab. I also mounted the two 8.4 volt NiMh AA cells and wired them in series to give a nominal 16.8 volts. The # 6 runs very slowly and 14.4 volts is barely enough. Even 18 volts would be OK.

I also had to make a small styrene box in which to mount the charge jack. Far left in pic above.

I installed a small 2 way connector so that the "tray" is easily removed if necessary.

The tray installed and wired up from the left.

From the right.

This installation will be using an Azarr antenna which can be seen draped over the equipment until a permanent cover is made. I made up the rear antenna support from the same Plastruct tubing I used for the speaker box.

The owner is going to fabricate a tent like cover for the tray to hide all the "stuff".

The # 6 runs beautifully and at 16.8 volts the top speed is adequate.
the only thing I can't get right is the Sierra sound. No matter what I have tried following the Sierra instructions, I cannot get the sound to start until well after the # 6 starts to move.

Best wishes,

Tony Walsham

   (Remote Control Systems)

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