R/C connector fabrication project (photo)

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R/C connector fabrication project (photo)
Posted by FJ and G on Friday, April 21, 2006 2:35 PM
Here's a poor quality photo of a connector I just built.


1. Must be very thin
2. Must pull apart very easily

There are some connectors that take effort to pull apart. Others pull apart easily but are not thin.

I used 5/32 round copper (or brass) from a hardware store


Radio Shack "Interlocking Connector" Part #274-232

The photo shows the male plugs still attached to the other ones straight from the package. The male plugs have little barbs attached that seat it securely into the tubing.

I will solder the wires I need to the tube and to the male prong.

Also, the tube and prong will be covered with shrink tube so they don't touch each other and short out.

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