New TX-24 from RCS

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New TX-24 from RCS
Posted by TonyWalsham on Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:40 PM
It has taken me 12 months to get it ready and at long last the new 24 function TX-24 handpiece is ready to ship.

This is a re-touched pic showing the new 8 button arrangement.

There is no longer a "shift" key in the side. Operation is with 6 x one touch functions and 2 x two button functions. The handpiece is backwardly compatible with previous RCS equipment. The buttons still work the same functions as previously.
Buttons 7 (star) and 8 (hexagon) are used for adding two extra groups of 8 functions. Including an option for a limited number of turnout controls.
The same long range ouput is retained. Assigning locos to a single handpiece for multiple unit operation has been simplified.
To compliment the new TX-24, extra 4 function cards which plug into the receiver are also going to be available shortly.
The price stays the same as the TX-8LR.

Please visit the RCS website for full information in downloadable pdf format.

I will be glad to answer any questions off line.

Best wishes,

Tony Walsham

   (Remote Control Systems)

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