This is the 1st year OSH has had no Bachmann train sets

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This is the 1st year OSH has had no Bachmann train sets
Posted by vsmith on Thursday, December 22, 2005 12:20 PM
For the last several years Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) has always had Bachmann Big Hauler sets on sale before Christmas, this year nada! I had suspected that with the advent of the Sam's Club set last year that OSH wouldnt get any but last year sure enought OSH still had them, this years Sam's Club has the sets again, but this year no go at OSH. Too Bad as they always seamed to sell them and I'm sure there are lots of large scalers who started out with these very sets...Oh Well, Another (seasonal) vendor bites the dust.[V]

   Have fun with your trains

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