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Catching up on the reading.....
Catching up on the reading.....
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From: Coldstream, BC Canada
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Catching up on the reading.....
Posted by
on Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:45 PM
... well, yesterday I picked up the December GR.
I was kind of curious to read that Aristo Mallet review.
Well, well, well, I really don't know where Marc Horovitz gets his info, but the very first paragraph makes a Belgian railroad engineer out of my compatriot Anatole Mallet.
Just to clear up a minor detail: once you aquire Swiss citizenship, either by birth to Swiss parents or by getting admitted to "the clan" [;)][:)], you stay a Swiss citizen unless you renounce your citizenship.
And thus it is with Anatole Mallet: born May 23rd 1837 at Lancy/Carouge, Canton Geneva, Switzerland.
BTW there are a few more famous Swiss railway engineers, like Abt, Locher Riggenbach etc. etc.
Given the topography of Switzerland they had to come up with clever designs in order to make the railways go where they wanted them to go.
As you probably know the Pike's Peak Railway uses the Abt cog system. [;)][:)][:)]
PS Of course as a Swiss you're also entitled to hold dual or triple citizenship, just have to be careful which countries you pick.[:D][:D]
Cheers HJ
http://www.rhb-grischun.ca/ http://www.easternmountainmodels.com
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