Testing and experimenting. Testing one engine with LGB's MFX decoder. Another engine has been converted to run on battery, with a switch to toggle back to track power, since everything else runs on track power.
It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks....
Along with so many other tasks, I have also been freshening up the paint on the mural, which had faded after 4 years in the sun.
Working daily on the railroad, and making great progress. Here's what I've got so far....https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNM3GGLogH_MK4wtKSA-wNttaroeMD1ezTZbzfP8EVvLg3YbN2v0lrle-T5yoGNfg?key=aDR0ZzF0NmdkYjJqOWpVdU4ya1VIVkFYcGpRM3NR
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