Great small steam engines book - Glover Locomotives

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Great small steam engines book - Glover Locomotives
Posted by vsmith on Monday, January 24, 2005 6:14 PM
I posted this over at the MLS site but I thought I would add it here also. I picked this book up recently, it a great book for those who like small steam engines. Its on the Glover Machine Works Company, they built small industrial, logging and mining locomotives in the years before WW2. lots of pictures, no plans unfortunately, mostly photos from glass plates found when the companies original buildings were torn down in the mid-1990's. Heres the link to Amazon..

Supposedly there were blueprints also found but what happened to those it doesnt say. I might try to contact the writer to see if any survived.

I should add Glover made mostly 36" and SG 0-4-0T, 0-6-0T and tender, Moguls, and a few Praries and Connies. Lots of modeling ideas. This book is definetly worth a look.[8D]

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