coach lighting on the easy, cheap way

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coach lighting on the easy, cheap way
Posted by chocho willy on Monday, July 5, 2021 8:14 PM

cars litlitCame to my attention on another forum that there was insterest on lighting cars. I have done 3 and ther will be a 4th one shortly. I poated this a couple of years ago but this is for the new comers or the ones who haven't got around to it or can't remember where they saw it. I have LGB overtone coaches using 2 AAA batteries, RC car switch and 2 10MM soft white LED's 2 battery holder, used stained glass copper tape for wiring and evergreen polystyrene rectangle tubing to hold the bulbs with good success. have never changed the batteries in any of the cars and probably have 4 to 5 hours on each, colored the LED's using a yellow high lighter. being as the LED's require only 3 volts it as a simple installation. The observation car was the first to be completed and battery's are still good and they power 2 side marker lights, drum head light, 2 interior lights + a yellow light in the over head where the open section is, very happy with the results see pictures, Bill observation care litled holderswitch installedcoppertapelight holder with tape

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Posted by Postwar Paul on Monday, July 5, 2021 9:31 PM

Great tip for the LGB coaches! In my crystal ball, I see more nightoperating sessions...Will keep this in mind!



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Posted by PVT Kanaka on Sunday, July 11, 2021 11:05 PM

Paul, Bill tipped me off to this trick and it works great! I was not confident enough to cut into my cars, so the battery boxes are taped to the ceiling, wedged between benches, or simply laid flat on the platforms.


Here are the results:

Of course, a movie is event better:  Movie With Coach Lighting in the Bill Style

My oldest daugther discovered yellow-colored, alcohol based markers worked well to soften the lights.


Low cost, easy to do, and effective!



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