G-Scale diameter under 4'?

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 4:39 PM

Greg Elmassian

Yep, same advice he has been given on the other forums, find a club, borrow a bender, bend a piece of track.He just wants a loop under the tree, so maybe the Hartland is OK, but they are out of business. Their web site is still up so worth an email, and again look at ebay.

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving Victor! Still using all those lead weights you sent, appreciate it! Greg


Hi Greg, yeah I'm still sorting thru my pile as well, but I've used alot, those Lil Big Haulers sure need alot of weight added to them. Merry Christmas if I don't get a chance to check in back before then.

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Posted by Greg Elmassian on Friday, November 27, 2020 11:18 AM

Yep, same advice he has been given on the other forums, find a club, borrow a bender, bend a piece of track.He just wants a loop under the tree, so maybe the Hartland is OK, but they are out of business. Their web site is still up so worth an email, and again look at ebay.

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving Victor! Still using all those lead weights you sent, appreciate it! Greg

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 11:39 PM

Aristo 21" and 31" circles are as rare as dragons teeth, the only circle that small nowadays is HLWs click-track thats 31" diameter but it only works with itself and will not connect to any other brand. 

Gargraves makes a stainless flex track that I have bent down to 21" dia without needing a track bender but it's a hollow track like Lionel and not very strong, it needs a solid support, and is pretty toylike in appearance.

Other than getting lucky on ebay, best bet is to try and borrow a track bender and bend solid stock down, or see if anyone can bend it down for you.

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Posted by PVT Kanaka on Thursday, November 19, 2020 1:46 PM
JPB, try online auction and sales sites. TrainLi also sells a small circle of LGB track and a controller - Eric
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G-Scale diameter under 4'?
Posted by JPB on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 12:06 PM

Hi! I'm pretty new to this - I'm looking to put together a track setup around my tree this year with some old LGB trains I found from when I was younger. I don't have the track anymore and am currently searching everywhere for a set that makes up a circle 36" or less since my space is limited. I have looked into flex track but I don't want to invest in a rail bender only for this project. It would be great to get something pre-assembled. I know HLW and Aristo Craft had once made smaller radiuses but there is nothing to be found online. I've been searching ebay for the Aristocraft ART-11140 (21" diameter circle) and ART-11145 (32" diameter circle) with no luck yet. If anyone has any recommendations or knows anyone doing custom rail to order please let me know. Thanks for any suggestions!

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