Houston Area Live Steamers

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    June 2020
  • From: Cuero, Texas
  • 15 posts
Houston Area Live Steamers
Posted by TexasSpecial91 on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 1:32 PM

I was working in Houston, Texas as doing on the job training as a new hire conductor for UPRR. I belive I was in remote control training, and about to be marked up as a working conductor. I took advantage of a rare off day and had my family come up for a visit. While they were in town, we went to check out the Houston Area Live Steamers hosting a public run day at Zube Park in Hockley, Texas on the northwest side of Houston.


Tags: 1/2 , 7 , 7.5 , 7.5" , area , battery , club , control , Diesel , gauge , half , hals , hockley , houston , in , inch , live , north , northwest , nw , rc , remote , steam , steamers , Texas , west

Eric A. Ridyolph

Texas Special YouTube Channel

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