Anyone coming to Milwaukee's Trainfest Nov. 11 and 12, 2017?

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Anyone coming to Milwaukee's Trainfest Nov. 11 and 12, 2017?
Posted by dknelson on Sunday, November 5, 2017 10:14 PM

For many years there has been a tradition for members of any of the Forums -- that is, the Forums for Trains, Classic Trains, MR, CTT, and Garden Railways, to gather at the Kalmbach booth on Saturday at noon for a group photo and reunion.  Most years we are able to get someone from Kalmbach to join in the photo.

This will be we believe the 13th year for such photos.  Keith Schmidt found the 2005 photo back from when Erik Bergstrom (far left) was our genial moderator.  

Join us if you can at noon, Saturday November 11 at the Kalmbach Booth.  I will be holding up the same "Trains.Com Forums" sign that you see in the 2005 photo.  Hey,  a tradition is a tradition!  Hope to see some of you then.

Dave Nelson Forum Group Photo Nov 2005 by Keith Schmidt, on Flickr" alt="" />

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