USA Trains EMD GP38-2 Won't Run

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Posted by jasper on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 4:29 PM

Hi Greg:  I appreciate your patience guiding me through this mystery.  My wiring skills are poor.  I am a bit skiddish opening up the engine  for I have no specs.

What could have fried the board?  I do not remember doing anything to cause it.  Do not remember shorting it on the tracks, however it is hard to line up on track.

USA Trains does have a proceedure for repair.  I am also considering battery power.   Thanks,  John

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Posted by Greg Elmassian on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 1:41 AM

OK, so that makes sense... now most likely something is wrong on the main board.

Since power pickup is from both the sliders and the wheels, it is highly unlikely both trucks quit at the same time, but a simple test is to now apply power to the board.


You could experiment by applying power to the wires that go from the wheels and sliders to the 2 inner pins and to the circuit board, but you would have to pull the 2 wires, and apply power to the little female sockets, and you risk getting these wires backwards, which will cause problems.


It's time to either open the loco and see what is going on inside. You could try checking continuity between wheels between trucks, but clearly the power is not getting to the motors.

So, since none of the wheels supply power, and the fact that it is highly unlikely that BOTH trucks had all power pickups fail at the same time, it's most likely the main circuit board.

I would have guessed the motor switch, but since the lights are out also, that would require 2 switches failing at the same time, again highly unlikely.


So I would open the loco, and inspect the wiring from the trucks to the main board, and the main board itself, my guess is you have some burned up traces.



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Posted by ttrigg on Monday, May 23, 2016 6:34 PM

Not to horn in on Greg's sound advice, I've had a similar event on a 4-6-2. After doing a continuity check from the motor to the pickups, which passed, I found debris on the base of the headlight bulb which caused a dead short in the system. I'm sure Greg will give better advice for your engine than I could ever do.

Tom Trigg

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Posted by jasper on Monday, May 23, 2016 1:24 PM

Greg:  I got both motors running by touching the outer pins.  Still no activity by touching the wheels or slides

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Posted by Greg Elmassian on Monday, May 23, 2016 10:40 AM

OK, if you applied power to each truck by the outer pins (outermost one on each side - be sure) and nothing happened, it's very hard to believe.

You have indicated other locos run, so the transformer must be ok.


Something is wrong, like your test leads are broken, or you are using the wrong pins..


Now, another thing I can think of is, these locos are strong enough that one truck can push the loco even if the other is dead... hard to believe that you would not have noticed this.

In the picture below, the red and black wires are on the 2 pins for the motor.

Looking carefully, there are 2 more pins with no wires on them, that are the track pickups, these 2 pins are closer to the center of the block. (this picture is for a battery powered loco, so no need for track pickups)


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Posted by jasper on Monday, May 23, 2016 10:06 AM

I have tried all combinations of hooking  power to motors.  I agree why would both motors be dead

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Posted by Greg Elmassian on Sunday, May 22, 2016 11:32 PM

ok, no lights (assume you turned on all the switches on the underside)

sounds like power pickup problem... did you apply power to the skates, try combinations of ones, i.e. you need one right hand skate and one left hand skate.

If that works you have some wires messed up...


If you get nothing, apply your dc power to the OUTER 2 pins of a motor block... the inner 2 pins are track pickups, the outermost 2 pins are the motor on each block...

It's almost impossible that both blocks motors quit at the same time, so you should get one or both motors turning...


Please report your results back...



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Posted by jasper on Sunday, May 22, 2016 1:50 PM

Hi Greg:  1.Yes - running direct track power thru Aristo Train Eng. Tried direct power to wheels.  Other locos work.  

2. No.   3.  No lights.  4.  I cycled the motor switch.   No results.  I did have one slide shoe come off one motor. Thank you.  

Tags: EMP GP 38-2
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Posted by Greg Elmassian on Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:33 AM

Answer these questions:

1. are you running on straight DC, what are you powering it from?

2. if running DC or track power, does the loco short out the power supply

3. if running DC or track power, do the lights come on at full voltage

4. did you check the motor on/off switch under the loco? cycle it a few times.

Let's start at the beginning, before we debug further... you can easily go down the "wrong track" if we make assumptions.

So, I'm looking for 4 answers here at least.


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USA Trains EMD GP38-2 Won't Run
Posted by jasper on Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:55 AM

My USA Train Locomotive EMD GP38-2 (two powered trucks) just stopped running.  Like it is froze up or blown fuse.  If it were a power truck- the other one should run.  Any ideas?

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