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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:20 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by troybetts

My new mainline.
I am a very happy bunny.[:D]
Sorry everyone but my family is on holiday and I had to share it with someone[:I]

This is the most elevated section at the bottom.Still got to be straightened up yet.

And this is the top section I'm working on today at ground level

On thing about an elevated section is that the Darlek can't roll around at night exterminating everything.
Maybe I should place this in the "Dealing with garden pests" section[:D]

Ian,the track will all be ballasted as I feel it does'nt look right otherwise.
Captain.I think the first people to settle were the Pilgrims.I don't know if they were persecuted in England,causing there emmigration or they just wanted to go!

You have been busy indeed, I must say I am getting impatient with my own lack of progress, but please post more. I have no problem living viariously through the sucess of my friends.

As to history...

The Pilgrims, as we are taught and are to teach, were sepratists from the Church of England who wanted to form their own church seperate from the See of the Archbishop of Canturbury. Aside from Sir Walter Raleigh's failed Roanoke colonies in the 1500's, what is considered the first successful English colony was in 1607 at Jamestown (named for one of your King James I). The Pilgrims came later (1620) and the Puritians in migration after that (1630's).

How do British children learn of these happeneings. I always get questions from students about how Colonization and the American Revolution are taught in Great Britian. I would like to start giving genuine answers, along with the humorous ones.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:12 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by troybetts

QUOTE: Originally posted by Torby

Ah! You have a dalek in your yard? What a riot!

A couple years ago, I wanted to get TARDIS on my license plates, but Susan though there would be too few people who knew what it meant and we'd be forever explaining....

Ahh .I knew they would find a way back into the garden[:D]

Wow! That's cool! Its been a while since I seen "Dr. Who" ...Or as my immature students of 8th grade refer to who?[:D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:59 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Torby

Ah! You have a dalek in your yard? What a riot!

A couple years ago, I wanted to get TARDIS on my license plates, but Susan though there would be too few people who knew what it meant and we'd be forever explaining....

Ahh .I knew they would find a way back into the garden[:D]

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:25 AM
Capt C. even though this subject is "off topic" it's so interesting to read, the multinational aspect of this forum makes it all the better! I think I would rather teach history right now than pound nails.
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Posted by Tom The Brat on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:14 AM
Ah! You have a dalek in your yard? What a riot!

A couple years ago, I wanted to get TARDIS on my license plates, but Susan though there would be too few people who knew what it meant and we'd be forever explaining....
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:12 AM
Nice one Troy,
That really does fade into the distance doesn't it! Managed to get a bit more done this last weekend myself but nothing like your 304' - magnificent. Any trams going on this or is it strictly for the main line stuff?
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 10:16 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by iandor

Troy I am most impressed with its straightness and length, also the way you have elevated looks like good work to me. However i am interested in if you are going to ballast it or not. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I would not have a single metre of track that is not ballasted, it seems to detract from how they run on it to me.

Regrads ian

PS Joe I was interested in your idea of why people migrate to North America, we mostly had no choice here; we came as convicts in sailing ships in chains. Did youi know that Australia was settled as a direct result of the American War of Independence?

I too will do heavy ballasting, I plan to have two types...utility ballast and decorative ballast. The Utility Ballast is to hold the track in place and promote good elevation...decorative ballast will be some fine grade stuff/ A mixture of textures of HO/N scale ballast to give a more realistic presence. I might even experiement with cinders.

As for the issue of American/Aussie Colonization... I will mention this fact to the students. I cannot resist taking advantage of the international flare in this forum. We began today with a discussion of the political reasons people came to America which we were able to break down to "people running from the government (fugitives/rabble-rousers) and those who could not run fast enough (criminals and debtors). This led us to a discussion of James Oglethorpe's Georgia colony which served as a buffer state against Indian attack and defacto prison colony. Your contribution on Aussie colonization will be a good focus activity tomorrow. Hey, good history lesson for children sneaking into this forum...

...and that's one to grow on!
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 8:42 PM
Nice job ! looks great ! I know how it is when you wan't everyone to see what you have done . I really am getting a kick out of looking at everyones railroads and learning how to apply some of it to my railroad . Keep up the good work .
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 7:30 PM
Troy I am most impressed with its straightness and length, also the way you have elevated looks like good work to me. However i am interested in if you are going to ballast it or not. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I would not have a single metre of track that is not ballasted, it seems to detract from how they run on it to me.

Regrads ian

PS Joe I was interested in your idea of why people migrate to North America, we mostly had no choice here; we came as convicts in sailing ships in chains. Did youi know that Australia was settled as a direct result of the American War of Independence?

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 7:15 PM
Troy, I sit here at my computer in total envy![:D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 4:35 PM
That's only half of it.The rest is behind the camera. now got 130 foot down each side of the garden with 22 foot spans at each end.Virtually the whole thing is elevated as my garden slopes.Ground level at top,3' 6" at the bottom.Tomorrow I start on my stations and sidings.I will post pictures of the whole build on my website when finished.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 4:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by troybetts

My new mainline.
I am a very happy bunny.[:D]
Sorry everyone but my family is on holiday and I had to share it with someone[:I]

Is that LGB track? Looks good. Looks lengthy, I like long sections of track where trains can be viewed in all their glory.

As an aside...

I'm just starting to teach about reasons why people came to North America from Europe (England) in my 8th Grade History Class, any comments on the British perspective. Right now we are looking at three factors; Political, Economic and Religious.
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Posted by Marty Cozad on Monday, August 23, 2004 4:30 PM
COOL how FAST with she GO???????

Is it REAL? or Just 1:29 scale?

Long live Outdoor Model Railroading.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 23, 2004 4:24 PM
My new mainline.
I am a very happy bunny.[:D]
Sorry everyone but my family is on holiday and I had to share it with someone[:I]

This is the most elevated section at the bottom.Still got to be straightened up yet.

And this is the top section I'm working on today at ground level

On thing about an elevated section is that the Darlek can't roll around at night exterminating everything.
Maybe I should place this in the "Dealing with garden pests" section[:D]

Ian,the track will all be ballasted as I feel it does'nt look right otherwise.
Captain.I think the first people to settle were the Pilgrims.I don't know if they were persecuted in England,causing there emmigration or they just wanted to go!

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