anything live steam you want to talk about???

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 28, 2004 12:42 PM
oh, ok.
thanks then,
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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:56 PM
This is the general forum, so pretty much any topic goes. But fewer folks here will be able to offer comments and specific comments on live steam (such as the poll regarding prices. If folks aren't into live steam they won't be able to comment). Nothing against you and certainly nothing against live steam, just trying to encourage use of that forum.

Rene Schweitzer

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:53 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Rene S


It's ok that you post polls here, but if you'd like to talk about live steam, please use our "live steam" forum. Thank you.

Rene S,
ok, mabye you do have a forum for live steam, but I thought this forum was 'general' which means I can talk about anything to do with garden railway.
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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:30 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by ilikelivesteam

what is the reason for having your railway inside???
if you don't know how to do something I might be able to help,

Its a long story I have written about it on this forum before, look under "the saga of my ever shrinking railroad" and "Is anyone doing large scale indoor layouts?" for the longer story, but basicly I was planning an outdoor layout in an 20 x 30 area behind our garage, got as far as putting the basic layout down on the dirt to test run it, then had the wife say "arent we going to build a studio back there?" her way of say "my area, dont touch it" Well, that was the only avaliable land for a GR. So I had to move into the garage, which had its own space crunch lately. I just dont have the space for an outdoor layout but I like LS, so I'm inside.

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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:35 AM

It's ok that you post polls here, but if you'd like to talk about live steam, please use our "live steam" forum. Thank you.

Rene Schweitzer

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:35 AM
hi Kim
Got away before I finished
So I would say keep the grades reasonably low and you would be OK.
Follow the link and there should be a picture of Lautoka a sugar cane engine don't look at the price it will give you a heart attack.
Most manufacturers seem to say 2'6" as minimum on small locomotives
regards john
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:27 AM
Hi kim
It is generaly recomended that you have a flat track however my line calls for a 1 in 64 grade and the concensuss on the 16mm groupwas this should be OK.
Lautoka built by Tootle Engineering which is built around a Roundhouse lady Anne will make it up a 1in 30 with areasonable train
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:15 AM
Hi Joe,
I'd hate to pay your printing bills with a title like that! A question about live steam, perhaps John can answer, do you need a fairly flat railroad or will a steamer take ups and downs in its stride?
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:28 AM
Live steam sounds cool, but I'm a while away from outdoor construction (not that far though!). That, however, gives me ample time to study "Live Steam" issues and, dare I say it, SAVE "$" for such things.

I would like to get a good head of steam on hand see a totally "real" train that I could say I owned.

Vic, hang in there. I've giving some thought to your "issue" before I make one of my really long, albiet possible, well intentioned suggestions.

Ian, I really liked that "Capt Kangaroo" moniker you toyed with in another forum, I think it has potential.


Captain Sir Knight Joe Ely Carrales, Fourth Earl of Premont, Regent Proper and Minister Extraordinary and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the Free Peoples of the Federal Republic of Jamesterdavania for His Excellency the Archbishop of Dannunifius at Sacia. (Just imagine that, you might have British Ancestors with a title "longer than that!") [(-D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:08 AM
I want to know why it is so [censored] hard to find a steam locomotive
that will run on LGB R1 2' curves.
And when you do most of the time you don't have the opption of buying an eleectricaly insulated one.
mine cost me $1500 AU what ever that is in $US will go round 2' and is insulated.
But it was factory customized that way for me[:)]
regards John
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:13 PM
Yer Vic, why do you want to go indoors? lack of room, not wanting to spoil your garden ?

Have you thpught of having it both indoors and outdoors? have seen a few and they are pretty interesting.

Rgs Ian
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:11 PM
what is the reason for having your railway inside???
if you don't know how to do something I might be able to help,
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Posted by vsmith on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:46 PM
Wish I could afford one, and had a place to run it.

I was planning to build the Basic Project Engine, a Midwest Mfg steam boiler and piston mounted to a flatcar for a backwoods engine, but being indoors and no open area to run a steamer, I'm outta luck.

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anything live steam you want to talk about???
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:33 PM
say what you want about live steam(but not rude)

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